Friday, March 23, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...(The End)... (For Now) :o)

14- I like to compare the human body and its true needs to a vehicle. As it gets close to running out of gas, its warning light will so indicate, sending its driver to a service station of his/her choice to "gas up" (snack) or "fill up" (full meal). In the latter, the nozzle automatically "shuts off" with an unmistakable click. This is when you replace it upon the pump. (You have satisfied your hunger and bodily needs).For, if you attempt to "top it off", you will most likely spill and waste fuel all over the place (over-eat)...
So, I ask you: why is this so obvious to understand and accept in the case of cars and trucks when it is a constant struggle to do with ouer own bodies?

15- After years of agonizing, frustrating, disappointing, depressing, unsuccessful yo-yo, revolving door dieting, you can finally begin to enjoy the peace of mind and justified pride of "having done it YOURSELF"… as YOU remain in FULL CONTROL at ALL times !

WE merely serve as your "tour guides" who considerately, with professional responsibility, caring and pride, gently "take you by the hand", support and nurture you as they show you how to smoothly, effortlessly, and safely reach your desired destination: your ideal weight and measurements Goals: A "NEW YOU" which you can sustain and maintain for as long as you sincerely desire to remain S.L.I.M. For Life © !…and This Is Definitely So! (*)

FYI: well past my middle-years, I periodically purposely cause myself to gain up tp 20-25 lbs. by gorging myself and committing gluttony on my own delicious cooking (no humility here! :o))...

…then, without going into any special dieting mode or food and drink restrictions, I simply practice what I teach in my S.L.I.M. For Life © Program...and, within a few short weeks, I am back to the weight and shape "normal" and comfortable for me: the same weight I have had since I was half my age!

Another proof that "once you start getting older, it gets hard or imposible to get rid of excess weight", as claim the ‘Experts’ about whom I shall have a lot to say in periodic future posts, is just another "pile of poop"..."accurate" only to the masses who believe in it. (Apparently, I resigned from that misled group ages ago).

Believe one who has tried it. (Virgil, Roman poet)

(*) In case you wondered what that affirmation I use at the end of meaningful paragraphs (...and This Is Definitely So!) is all about: it just happens to fit perfectly with " The I.D.S. " acronym for my " The Inner Dimensions Seminars ". Mystery solved...Have a Great weekend !

Your Friend,
