Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Most important REMARKS by Jacques Girard…

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

The more I read weight/ dieting and related articles, news items, etc..(and freely share them with you, my dear readers, absolutely unafraid to do so although the sources may be viewed by some as ‘the competition’ ), the more I become re-convinced that the Ultimate Answers lie WITHIN our Sub-conscious Minds’ENDLESS reservoirs of ABUNDANT Knowledge and Truth! :o)

As I have written herein several times before, and shall again: ANY/ ALL ACCURATE information which you seek and need, if you are to – once and for all – eradicate all your unwanted, ugly, awkward, embarrassing, unhealthy excess fat, weight, bulges and inches…Always IS at your ENTIRE DISPOSAL Every split Second of Every Minute of Every Hour ..Day and Night!...and, FREE of Charge!

Doing your S.L.I.M. For Life or The I.D.S. Modulations © will AUTOMATICALLY keep on sending these messages to you using the intuitive, silent, unmistakable message centers..also known as your Inner Voice.. your Higher Intelligence..your Higher Self…

By the faithful practice of your Modulations, they become honed.. refined..super-sensitized..clear and incredibly sharp, and This Is Definitely So! :o)

Mr. John McGran, aka ‘Mr. Bad Food’, the Editor-In- Chief of ‘eDiets’ e-Magazine and its recent ‘Glee’, both excellent publications bringing to the online public’s attention many cutting-edge articles written by ‘Experts’… as well as advertisements for their own and other diet plans …freely admitted that, after six years as a reader and writer on foods, diets, and related topics..he is ‘now even more confused’ about the latter than he was as a care-free bachelor…and, in another part of a recent article, he admits ‘still needing to lose 30-35 lbs’.!...

EXPERTS in desperate need of HELP is what I see in all this…scrambling in every which direction for answers and formulae that work and CAN BE trusted…and even after agonizing years of study and sacrifices to become Degreed..they ‘SEEK’..fumble and err (if all the retractions of earlier ‘Expert Advice’ and other Facts they set down as ‘die-hard RULES..Dos and Don’ts are any indication)… when, all the while, THE Correct Answers lie WITHIN them, as they do within each and everyone of US.. You and Me..patiently waiting to be called upon to ‘do their thing’ for us…whenever we Sincerely Ask! :o)

Worst of all, the ‘Meyvens’ (Yiddish for ‘Experts’ and other knowledgeable ‘Connoisseurs’ – also known as ‘know- it-alls’..:o)).. incessantly speak and write in terms convincing enough to scare or motivate Millions of chunky people to run to the drug store or to their wallets to get their credit cards in order to buy BILLION$$$ of Dollar$$$’ worth of pills, potions, lotions, diet plans and foods. drugs..exotic treatments.. sign up for long-term fitness programs they seldom use..or, worse yet, very dangerous surgical procedures..ALL at Enormou$ CO$T$...

...when THE ANSWERS..SOLUTIONS..drugless REMEDIES..proper..pleasant.. Totally SAFE.. comfortable eating, drinking, exercising practices are FREELY YOURS.. and AVAILABLE to ALL who will simply Sincerely DESIRE and Dedicatedly ASK for the materialization of your fondest dreams and most pressing needs of Good Health..Physical, Mental and Spiritual .balance and harmony…

…Simply by LISTENING while feeling Totally Relaxed to Your The I.D.S and/or S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © attract and welcome Wellness, Peace and Beauty!...

YES! even knowledgeable Mr. McGran and all the respected contributors to his and other publications dealing with Weight, Health and Well-being CAN avail themselves of all this whenever they feel deeply ready to add “this” to their repertoire!. :o)

My WARNING to them: Could become addictive…confusing (whenever they write or publish their habitual fare)…and invite feelings of guilt upon pointing their radical “truths” at desperate, gullible, naïve audiences of overweight masses…especially when , after a while, they are forced to issue retractions and “Ooooops!” rectifications…

Next, I’ll share with you the story of The Ancient Belgian Priest that will put into true perspective exactly how much most Experts’ revelations and formulae are worth. ‘till then, be Well!


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