Friday, June 29, 2007

A few additional observations about Experts

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Hopefully, you enjoyed and found this story amusing enough to have elicited a hearty chuckle or loud laughter while appreciating the obvious parallel with all who are labeled ‘Experts’ – whether by the virtue of education, degrees, titles, reputation, past achievements, exaggerated boasting, raw egotism or simply because, for these Meyvens, “it’s a living”…

This story truly encapsulates the essence of ‘Just How reliable are Really ALL the 'Absolutes'…the ‘Truths written in granite’... Inflexible, Definitive, Rigid, 'Professional' opinions, diagnoses, prognostications, advice, dictates, scare tactics, formulae, predictions, warnings, intimidations with threats of various dooms if you fail to follow their instructions to the letter... Dos and Don’ts by the ‘Experts’ particular those who, more often than not, have not learned to transcend their egos..thus, practice haughtily egocentric pontificating and regurgitating opinionated ‘Certainties’…in ’MY way or the highway’ style’…

The Great late Albert Einstein…considered one of the all-time pure geniuses ever produced by mankind humbly admitted that, from the awesome Dimensions and capabilities of the boundless Inner Universe of the Human Brain…he doubted that he utilized as much as TEN PERCENT!...He further went on to say that ‘ As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain…and, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.’…

More and more, this statement is reflected in the mirrored retractions…admissions of mistakes, miscalculations, of old ‘scientific facts and findings’ having been proven erroneous and of new discoveries rendering them archaic and obsolete...At every turn, the wisdom of Pere Andre comes back to haunt and remind us about the clay feet of ‘the Experts’...

As you progress in this series of informative sessions…you will become more aware of the subtle…intrinsic differences between ‘expertise’ and ‘experience’… the first being related to mainly theoretical ‘book learning’…lab. tests performed on rodents and the like on one hand…On the other are ‘track records’ resulting from actual experiences with tests, experiments, applications and numerous other verifiable results obtained consequentially with masses of actual human beings

The I.D.S. and S.L.I.M. For Life © and their Founder can point with great pride to their experience of over thirty-five years of helping Thousands upon Thousands of clients from every walk of life and societal demographic subdivision achieve their goals in every conceivable area of Life…not the least of which is ‘Weight Management’… which is why I, the Founder, do not ‘rest upon my laurels’ as an ‘expert’…

So: you may rest assured that you will never hear me say out of doubt, second thoughts, or any other shaky, ego-oriented, questionable sources of false or misleading data: ‘..You mean It ISN’T…?’

Your Conscientious Friend,


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