Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So, Why don’t I follow the Experts’ recommendations?

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.’ (Ralph Charell)

Once more, I want to emphasize that, while I personally have never followed ‘logical sounding advice’ such as some, or most, of the Experts’, I acknowledge that some of it may be right ‘on target’ some of the time!...That is called “The Law Of Averages” :o)

The reason why I never bothered listening to these types of “Do’s and ‘Don’t’s” is that I was fortunate to have studied, learned, developed and practiced a potent and accurate technique …one that has never failed me.. has kept my blood in good balance, as it has my metabolism and all my vital signs…

Without Any Conscious strain or effort…Automatically…quietly…by simply listening to...following and ‘obeying my Inner Voice’ ‘gut feeling instincts’… and firmly Believing and Trusting in the Perfect instructions from my All-Knowing Higher Self...which Has All the ‘Correct...True...Safe... Accurate data Including ALL the foods and drinks that are Truly ‘Good’ for My Health...for ME!’

…and I don’t ever need to Consciously concern myself with burdensome diets and all that comes with them... agonize as to ‘which Is Correct and which is not’…I learned how to instinctively get ALL that’s free...saves me the trouble of neurotically reading labels... worry about ‘contents’... study articles... books written subjectively by ‘Experts’ who, to me, have grown to be increasingly questionable.

Reminds me of so many puny, pallid, sickly-looking individuals who seems to abound in our ‘Health Foods’ stores..who advise and ’push’..miraculous.. snake-oil type ‘cures’..lotions.. potions and costly concoctions containing Heaven-knows-which-witch-doctor-hand-picked-herbs-weeds and other exotic goodies…

…probably as unknown and mysterious to the sales person as it is to us...but they, nevertheless, tout and praise the stuff to justify the Big price tags…More ‘experts’ who vent their spleens and bolster their egos at our expense…don’t mind using us as their lab. rats and test tubes…

And, as recent history has proven… oftentimes some of these ‘herbal’ or ‘natural’ potions were toxic to our Health and Lives. Even Bigger prices to pay than are on the price tags…

While the above sounds like an indictment of herbal and health foods, it is not… merely an expose of another popular fad… Many herbal remedies are indeed helpful in relieving aches, pains, ailments…In fact, I myself use herbs, not only in my kitchen, but also in “tisanes” to help relieve certain conditions non-chemically.

The problem rests with those untested…with little or no “verifiable track record”…and too many unfounded, trumped-up, exaggerated, sensationalistic claims and rumors. The ones that send naïve masses of desperate individuals frantically seeking and being sold panaceas developed in the minds of greedy, unscrupulous profiteers whose main, or only, interest is in the "katchings" of the cash registers.

By comparison, how greater it is to have and benefit from a Self-contained..Inner source of Secure..Totally Safe ..Effective remedies and dietary guidelines to serve us Well on a moment-to-moment..a day-to-day..night and day basis!...Free of charge…Never any dangerous errors or misleading statements … Yours 100%...ready to protect and steer you for a Lifetime of Energy, Sound Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Emotional Health !

This is why I have, over a period of more than thirty-five years, reduced these magnificent, ’magical’ Powers to an easy-to-learn, assimilate, follow and apply system, or technique, which I have conscientiously incorporated into my now proven effective and long lasting S.L.I.M. For Life Trainings Program. ©

Part of the secret components of this potent formula is my having intently spent many months at a time researching, double-checking, experimenting, improving, testing ‘specific words and sentences’ … which have, since, shown to strongly stimulate, activate, trigger and virtually ‘explode’ countless subconscious brain cells that had either never been awakened before...or were simply allowed to remain dormant…

Scientifically, the above stimuli produce "word-images", the little ‘explosions’ just mentioned are the best possible means to kick-start the Powerful Subconscious brain cells into quick and sustained action (such as speeding up the body’s metabolic functions 24/7, while depressing the cravings and hunger pangs pleasure and other centers)…Images, pictures (still or motion) …scenes, symbols and the like ARE WHAT the Subconscious understands instantly and responds to dynamically…Much faster and more accurately than by merely using ‘every-day words’…

To make it even more absorbable, I have taken the responsibility to record all the essential Modulations (my deep, proprietary self-hypnotic induction processes) on tapes, CDs and DVDs, thanks to the wonders of modern technology and an able support team…thus relieving You of the otherwise exhaustive efforts of studying, memorizing and agonizing over ‘what to do?’… ’What comes next?’…’ How to do it?’…and similar stressful concerns which could readily turn this pleasantly exciting experience into sheer drudgery.

In other words: As I have successfully done in my own life for decades, You too now have a safe, effective means to render unnecessary ALL of the hints, advice from the ‘Experts’...

Including: articles, Media news items and other Weight (‘loss’)-related reports and guidelines, etc… which I have painstakingly been gleaning to share with you, my good friends and readers…(although they are or may be ‘right on the button’) will actually be rendered superfluous for you to bother reading… struggling to pronounce and comprehend in many cases …strain to remember and, worse yet, apply to your own strenuous ‘dieting’ efforts…add to the already vast and growing list of Dos and Don’ts…taboos…no-nos and other scary and confusing …often ambiguous and contradictory dictates by the Nutritionists and Fitness Gurus…

You read it right!... By practicing daily your recorded Modulations, NONE…I repeat: NONE of these are ‘necessary’ to bother and plague yourself with...NO need to nervously… anxiously …resentfully…’follow to the letter’…and suffer those pangs of Guilt whenever you ‘cheat’…bend this or that Rule… binge or dare ‘stretch’ the formula even just a bit...simply because the latter just won't exist in your new lifestyle ever they haven't in mine! :o)

In my posts, articles and other writings, I am only sharing a number of possibilities…’sounding’ good, or reasonable…from which you may pick and choose the one(s) that appeal to you the most, if any…

Again, the fact is that I no longer need to adhere to them I strictly trust and believe in my Inner Higher Self…the silent but unmistakable instructions given me by my ALWAYS Correct, Powerful Subconscious mind’s instinctive signals!...THESE are the ONLY ‘Dos’ or ‘Don’ts’ I blindly, painlessly follow and Faithfully Obey...and teach in my Weight Management Series!

Interestingly enough, SOME of the advice, techniques and other formulae offered in the articles I researched and reprinted for you MAY be, or ARE, in fact, compatible with the Wisdom I also get from my Subconscious Guides (from the Ether)…Even so, I don’t NEED to agonize over the quantitative articles and ‘latest’ (oftentimes denials or retractions by the "Experts", constantly read or heard in the Media )… Believe me, this brings Far More Relief than Alka Seltzer! :o)

For the All-knowing..Powerful storehouse of Knowledge, True Facts and Figures: Your own Sub-conscious brain’s Memory Bank already has and knows Exactly What Your own body specifically needs to eat and drink…When... How Much and How Often…Without You Ever having to bother thinking...remembering or worrying about Any of it Ever!... Simply ‘let it happen’…and It Does!.. (You may want to re-read my post on “The Ether”: 3/9/2007)…

It can always be relied upon to let you know All that you need. Better still: you will find yourself wanting…desiring... savoring...thoroughly enjoying to eat and drink from the abundant goodness of the Earth. Still, much of it may not be that which you presently crave and know: those foods and drinks that have been contributing to your excess weight, fat and inches…

And so: many of the recipes and formulae for ‘losing’ weight which I am sharing with you throughout this Blog may be or are good, sound, correct advice…Just Remember that none are ‘necessary’ for you or anyone else to concern yourselves with…

But this revolutionary, "unscientific sounding brazen way of life" will work Only IF and WHEN You will practice Daily the impeccable Techniques set forth in Your S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © …and This Is Definitely So!...

Consequently, approaching this entire ‘Weight Management’ monstrous problem can be rendered quite simple, actually…As is the case with many other ‘overwhelming’ Lifestyles to be improved.. harnessed.. changed…to go about it one day at a time has always turned out to be The Best possible approach!...

And, Remember: your Awesome Subconscious Powers speed up your Metabolism automatically … causing your body (or Magic ‘furnace’ that uses what you eat and drink as fuel) to burn off and melt away forever all your excess fat, unsightly flab, unwanted inches and weight!...and This IS Definitely SO!

Your true Friend in Wellness,


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