Monday, June 25, 2007

A finishing touch to “Hunger Pangs and Cravings”

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

After months and months of agonizing over privation diets, calorie-counting, weighing minute portions and Lilliputian size ‘meals’…

...In a Restaurant, did you ever sneak furtive looks at ‘forbidden’ foods you longingly spy on some lucky so-n-so’s plate, sitting at the next table?...It’s one of your favorite dishes and you could just kill for a taste of it…Sounds familiar?...

How many times have you walked around famished and gone to bed feeling so hungry? ... Aren’t such episodes sheer torture?...

…Have you ever struggled with your will power… anxiously trying to find some semblance of that comforting, full, or even a tolerable feeling of barely being satisfied...But then, you get plagued by the repeat, constant visits of those nagging cravings and the pinch of sharp hunger pangs?

These are major forces which lead to binge eating and gorging yourself whenever you become emotional and ‘just can’t take it anymore’…give up…throw your arms up and jump off that wagon…just like any other substance abuser would do under like circumstances.

To boot, especially if you have also regimented yourself by suffering the aches and pains of strenuous, backbreaking exercises... added angers set in. After which, you may find yourself regaining all the pounds, and more, of fat, fluids and flab you sacrificed and paid so much, in so many ways, to drop…

I’m sure that you heard this before as well: ‘Diets DON’T Work!’ (and, if/when they DO, at first, they simply DON’T LAST…sadly, they remind me of unstable relationships and too many marriages) …but they keep the desperate coming back for more…’trying’ one Diet Plan or pill or patch, etc. after another…and only their wallet gets thinner!...

Joe E. Lewis said it best: ‘ I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating and, in fourteen days I had lost two weeks!’…:o) …

And, the worst part of this ‘yo-yo’, ’revolving door’, expensive exercise in futility is that you don’t even earn a purple heart or medal of honor or mere public recognition and praise for having been a victim, a martyr, a hero, a veteran of this hopeless version of the famous “Battle of the Bulge!” (another traumatic historical event from my native Belgium)…

...So, a great many ‘Xtra-Xtra Large’ size wearers start shopping around for a ‘quick fix’… (anything to get all those pesky naggers and wise guys off my big back!). Then you hear about some ‘magic’ sounding way to get thin quick...simply by listening to some affordable tape (it really works, 'they' say...)… sounds good (pardon the pun)…about which Woody Allen said : ‘Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted’…:o) …

NOT to ‘knock the competition’ by any means…but as genuinely conscientious, ethical and caring Professionals, we felt obligated to caution the possibly uninformed, and a bit naïve amongst you to avoid being emotionally driven…motivated by despair…to 'take a high dive into that pool on sheer adrenalin…then, on the way down, notice in horror that there is very little or no water at the bottom !’..(Jacques Girard).

Fortunately for you, if the worst thing that happens to you in such a case is money down the drain, you would be getting off cheap if you come out in relative good health…
Having previously expounded upon this subject, I shall simply wish you well…’till the next time…


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