Monday, June 11, 2007

Part II: Back to controlling your hunger pangs and cravings...

Our immediate concern, however, is learning "How NOT to ‘give in to’ your hunger pangs and cravings... to harness these gwawing, nagging (mainly ‘False Alarm’) signals and eventually Overcome them Completely".

The ‘will power’ said by the experts (O.K… Stop giggling!) to be 'the only' requirement will be an automatic, effortless attribute that shall not cause you any mental strain or breakdown, once you learn and practice a few simple autogenic (self-generated, self-produced, self-controlled) mental exercises that are relaxing, beneficial and fun!

Best of all, they can be used to help you resolve any number of questions, doubts, problems, fears, worries and other conditions known to plague most people, including many which involve health and wellness issues, far beyond, yet including, those at hand...

And so, to help you get under way with your hunger pangs and cravings blockage…


In military terms, this is appropriately known as a ‘diversionary tactic’...
The way this works in psychological terms, shortcuts and applications is this:

Any time you wish or feel the need to deflect or bring to an end , say, a temper tantrum, the loud crying…nerve-wracking screaming…ear-piercing screeching…shrill shrieking of an infant…toddler…small child…’to save your sanity’ (and prevent child beatings, in many cases): Simply SHOCK them with ANY distraction (a arm gesture...hands clapping...(*) etc.)which will divert their attention...interrupt the piercing Police siren-like pandemonium…

Preferably: use something...anything you already know interests, fascinates or distracts them every time…and what happens!

The flow of tears instantly STOPS! if the faucet had magically been shut off...And so do the maddening howlings…the stomping... the evil temper tantrum!...
A new page has been turned… The calm after the storm... :o)

(*) The suggestion above to ‘clap hands’ prompted me to ask you a challenging question often posed to young students by Zen Masters: ‘What is the sound of one hand clapping?’…usually followed by long..agonizing periods of pondering...

If you would like to play this game, please close your eyes now…mark the spot and keep your eyes shut until you believe you have the only answer accepted by the Zen Masters...which is: ‘ The sound of one hand clapping is...the sound of one hand clapping!...’
…And a new page of another kind has been turned… :o)

This gratuitous child rearing consultation may appear to be unrelated to the focus of this entire expose on excess weight and obesity...and, more particularly, ‘How to overcome hunger pangs and cravings’…

The connection should become obvious when you consider the emotional, psychological, mental and physical parallels between the agonizing inner turmoil induced by both these intense experiences : the screaming child and the screaming inner cravings of the gut. (Continued in my next Post)


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