Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Controlling Your Hunger Pangs & Cravings - Part III


That’s right!...just imagine...’forcefully’ make belief …so forcefully that you actually Do Believe your guided imagery is indeed happening and that you are an intimate part of it…living it…’in it’…Always ‘feel it’ emotionally… FEEL at least as much and intensely as if you were thoroughly involved in your visualization...and that it is really taking place...Now!…

DON’T hold back!...DON’T permit your Conscious brain to rationalize...analyze... criticise...caution...discourage you...’tell you’ how stupid and illogical it is for you to fantasize and ‘make believe’ like a child does about Santa Claus…

Remember that a Great Spiritual Leader once said ‘..Be Ye Like Children..’ for, scientifically speaking: children are mainly in ‘Alpha’, the imaginative..."silly"...creative...daring..."impossible"...illogical... ’unrealistic’...area of the Subconscious Mind to which Nothing is Impossible…And Has the Power to Make It So with sustained practice and sincere determination!...

As I was suggesting, before I interrupted myself, IMAGINE that you are stuck at a bus station or at the airport terminal…waiting for the arrival of someone close and dear to you...and who you have not seen for quite a while... perhaps a veteran returning from the Iraqi battle fields…

The bus or plane is running late…and you need to wait for about 15-20 minutes longer…Meanwhile, concentrate on...visualize... mentally experience (‘feel’) how wonderful and exciting the upcoming reunion will be…feel the warmth of hugging ... holding... squeezing... kissing... seeing again the returning hero…asking him or her all the questions you are itching to pose...to learn about all the things you have been wondering about...to satisfy your curiosity…(and so on…)…

Make up any such situation and ‘live’ it with all the Imagination and Belief you can muster…Make it real !... See it !... Feel it !... Be there with all the creativity in you!

And, picture...picture...picture…visualize...visualize...visualize fantasize... fantasize...fantasize...AND...Always BECOME PASSIONATELY INVOLVED (‘feel it’)!…

You will find that, any time you ‘play this game’...following the simple rule of experiencing ‘being there’ for 15-20 minutes... you will no longer feel hungry or crave what you did before you began!

Most importantly: ANY...EVERY TIME you experience hunger pangs or cravings...Invent a situation that will keep your thoughts distracted and busy for 15-20 minutes!...THIS REALLY WORKS!

Once you SEE that , as in other situations, ‘Success Breeds Success’...and you begin to feel more and more pleased and justifiably proud of yourself...especially as you notice how your tummy is starting to shrink...and flatten…ever so little...yet: it is ‘going down’!...and that’s all that matters!...and:


…this process any/ every time ‘the little goblins from the evil Black Forest’ that love to taunt and tempt you to ‘pig out’… PLAY the GAME!... You will soon understand how important this is to you!...for you will be retraining your brain and form ‘good’ New Habits...


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