Monday, July 30, 2007

O.K…so, ‘fast’ and ‘junk’ foods are ‘No-Nos’, but...

... I still ‘crave’ and Love my favorites!..Is there a Way I COULD have my cake and eat it too?’

Well, dear seekers, there are several ways!...Read this:

Fast Food Fixes: Same Taste, Less Fat & Calories!
By John McGran, eDiets Editor-in-Chief
Updated: May 10, 2006

Mr. Bad Food has a new best friend. I like to call her Miss Fast Food, but she's better known as Chef Devin Alexander, author of the tastefully done Fast Food Fix (Rodale).

So how would you like to whip up and enjoy your favorite fast foods -- everything from Big Macs to Cinnabons to Kentucky Fried Chicken -- at home for far less than it costs to corral at the local burger joint or chicken coop? Well, now you can enjoy the fast food flavors you love without the guilt... thanks to Chef Devin and her dead-on recipes and food makeovers.

Digest Devin's breezy new book and you'll not only be amazed at the taste and cost benefits, but just wait until you sink your teeth into the fat and calorie savings too!

Mr. Bad Food had the pleasure of linking up with Chef Devin this past Monday. Partly because of my love of fast food -- and partly because of Devin's delightful personality -- we spent a long time chatting about the food that drives America. Yes, I'm talking about fast food.

Whether it's burgers from Burger King or subs from Subway, the vast majority of us will frequent a chain eatery this week... at least once. Don't be ashamed to admit you are part of this car pool.

There's a reason a fast food joint (or five) is parked just off every interstate highway exit across America -- they serve up good-tasting grub. And they do it fast!

I know I'll probably receive a few emails from angry readers who'd prefer Mr. Bad Food steer his readers to fresher, healthier meals and to the restaurants that serve such food. In a perfect world, I would do that.

But in case you've missed the news lately, the world just ain't perfect. And neither are our diets.

"Middle America wants fast food," Devin says. "They eat for a reason. Not just because it's fast, but because they like it. Fast food is part of our culture..."

But why make your own fast food when you can get it faster at the local drive-thru? Good question. There are three good answers: you'll save fat, you'll save calories, and you'll save money!

Besides, when was the last time you hit a drive-thru at dinnertime and actually "zoomed" through in under 15 minutes? Add the time it took you to reach the restaurant -- and to drive home with your stash of soggy fries and messy burgers -- and the experience isn't as fast as we'd like to think.

And that brings me back to Fast Food Fix. It may not be The Joy of Cooking but it is a book of the times... a book that promises to deliver more than 75 "amazing recipe makeovers of your fast food restaurant favorites."

Chef Devin wasn't born to create fast food makeovers. Heck, she never even set out to be a chef. A love of scriptwriting took her West from Reading, Pennsylvania to Hollywood, California. But since she did not want to wait tables while she awaited her big break, Devin made ends meet catering parties.

As word of her culinary talents spread, Devin began penning articles for well-known magazines like Women's Health, PREVENTION and Men's Health.

When a long-time love affair with fast food could no longer be contained, Devin dove into the world of comfort and calories. After months of painstaking research that she swears did not include fast food binging, Miss Fast Food had a smash hit -- not to mention a lot of special sauce -- on her hands.

If you've slain the fast food beast and fear a return would result in weight gain... RELAX! Chef Devin admits to weighing 55 pounds heavier as a teen. She stopped eating fast food in 1987, but she says it was her desire to keep the fast food flavors alive for others that led to whipping up the healthier recipes found in the pages of her book which is selling like hotcakes!

Each recipe includes the nutritional info to show you how much fat and calories you'll save by preparing your personal favorite fast foods at home.

And now, Chef Devin is revealing the secret recipe behind one of your favorite fast foods: the McDonald's Big Mac.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is excerpted from Fast Food Fix. Be sure to grab yourself a copy and see if you can fool your friends or family members into thinking they are eating the real fast food meal deal!

The key to re-creating the Big Mac is obviously perfecting the sauce. Some say it’s simply Thousand Island, but the clever folks at McDonald’s deserve much more credit for this masterpiece we crave.

In order to re-create the sauce, I had to ensure that I had a supply that I could taste on its own -- away from the other great flavors this burger stacks. So I requested “extra on the side.” The friendly woman behind the counter didn’t flinch. She quickly produced a sundae cup half-filled with the neon, salmon-colored sauce.

When I took a big sniff, all I could smell was a chemicalesque aroma. Tasting, on the other hand, yielded that wonderful flavor. Several tastings and I was convinced.

The secret ingredient? Mustard. Simple yellow mustard. Add that and a pinch of sugar to a Thousand Island–style sauce, and you’ll be surprised how closely it resembles the real deal.

The Big Mac

3 ounces 96% lean ground beef (about 1/3 cup)
2 pinches of salt
1 sesame seed hamburger bun + 1 bun bottom
1 slice (1/2 ounce) 2% milk yellow American cheese
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon + 1 tablespoon McDonald’s Big Mac Sauce (see below)
1 teaspoon finely chopped white onion
1/3 cup shredded iceberg lettuce
2 rounds dill pickle

Divide the beef in half. On a sheet of waxed paper, shape each half into a 4" patty. Season both sides with salt. Transfer the waxed paper to a plate. Place, uncovered, in the freezer for 5 minutes.

Preheat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until drops of water sizzle when splashed on the pan. Place the patties in the pan. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side, or until no longer pink.

Meanwhile, place the bun top and bottoms, cut-sides down, in the pan. Cook for about 1 minute, or until toasted. (If the pan is not large enough to hold the patties and the buns, first cook 1 patty with the bottom bun and then start assembling the sandwich while the others cook.) Just before the patties are cooked, place the cheese on 1 patty.

Place 1 bun bottom on a plate. Spread on 1 tablespoon sauce. Place the cheeseburger, cheese-side down, on the bun. Spread 1 teaspoon sauce on the second bun bottom and place, sauce-side down, on the cheeseburger. Top with the remaining 1 tablespoon sauce, the onion, lettuce, pickles, the remaining burger, and the bun top.
Makes 1 serving. Each serving is 386 calories, 26g protein, 44g carbohydrates, 11g fat, 3g saturated fat, 2g fiber.

Compare to Original McDonald’s Big Mac: 560 calories, 25g protein, 47g carbohydrates, 30g fat, 10g saturated fat, 3g fiber.

McDonald’s Big Mac Sauce

1/3 cup low-fat mayonnaise
2 teaspoons dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons ketchup
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons yellow mustard
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon finely chopped white onion

In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, relish, ketchup, sugar, and mustard. Stir to blend well. Cover and refrigerate for up to 1 month. Stir in the onion just before serving.
Makes about 2/3 cup, enough for 4 servings. Each serving: 49 calories, trace protein, 6 g carbohydrates, 3 g fat, trace saturated fat, trace fiber.


It’s easy to throw together a Big Mac–like burger in minutes once you have the sauce made. So to save time, make a big batch of the sauce, omitting the onions (they are the only ingredient that will spoil quickly). Refrigerate the sauce in a plastic container for up to 1 month. When you’re ready to enjoy a burger, simply add the correct quantity of onion to the amount of sauce you’re using. ---

Even Better

Save time and calories by omitting the second bun bottom and simply making 1 patty instead of 2 with the 3 ounces of beef. This way, you’ll need only 1 1/2 tablespoons of sauce. You’ll be left with a more nutritionally balanced burger. Plus, you’ll still have room for some fries or a side salad, all the while still enjoying that great Big Mac flavor... in minutes.

The revised version will have 310 calories, 24g protein, 31g carbohydrates, 9g fat, 1g saturated fat, and 1g fiber. You’ll save 250 calories, 21g fat, and 9g saturated fat over the original.

A few of the other popular makeovers of the fast food faves found in Chef Devin's new book:
• Wendy's Big Bacon Classic
• McDonald's McChicken Sandwich
• Burger King Chicken Tenders
• KFC Popcorn Chicken
• McDonald's Filet-O-Fish
• Subway Meatball Marinara
• Steak 'n Shake Frisco Melt
• Arby's Curly Fries
• McDonald's French Fries

Hungry yet? I know I am... So, for more about Chef Devin, get your copy of "Fast Food Fix".

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Are Your Relationships Making You Fat?

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
Another sensationalistic "excess weight" news item hit all media hard last week.
The most dramatic part of it being that obesity can be increased by 1/3 or more simply by association. Yes! Just by hanging around with other overweight friends and relatives...

The following article was published in WebMD over a year ago. Read it and Reap.

5 strategies for dealing with non-dieting loved ones
By Colette Bouchez
WebMD Weight Loss Clinic
Published Friday, February 03, 2006.
Reviewed By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD

Learning to eat less of the high-calorie foods you love isn't always easy. What can make it even harder: having to stare down those fattening foods at your very own dinner table.

From the spouse who brings you a huge box of chocolates on Valentine's Day to the mother-in-law who plies you with home-baked goodies to the skinny friend who invites you to uber-fattening lunch dates, the result is much the same. While their intentions may be all good, experts say the results can be all bad for the dieter trying to stick to a healthy eating plan.

"In most cases, tempting a dieter with food or treats they know are forbidden is really an unconscious act on the part of the non-dieter, says Charles Goodstein, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry at NYU Medical Center. "Still, when it happens, it can make sticking to your resolve a lot more difficult."

If this sounds familiar, take heart! Three experts interviewed by WebMD offer five simple strategies to help keep you from falling off the weight loss wagon, even when you're surrounded by non-dieting friends and loved ones.

1. Make a Statement

While it may seem that your partner or other loved one is deliberately tempting you by bringing home that quart of premium ice cream, experts say their intentions are probably not what they seem.

According to Nancy Restuccia, MS, RD, folks who don't have issues with food frequently don't realize the level of temptation experienced by people who do. So it's up to the dieter to make his or her feelings known.

"You have to let your partner know that having all this food in plain view breaks down your willpower, making it harder for you to stick to your meal plan," says Restuccia, a dietitian at the Center for Obesity Surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.

Also important, she says, is to let them know this has nothing to do with being weak-willed.

"They need to understand that no one has an unending supply of willpower -- and no matter how strong you are, you just can't stare fattening foods in the face every day without your willpower breaking down," Restuccia tells WebMD.

The best approach, she says, is to directly ask your loved ones not to give you food as gifts -- and, more important, to eat any calorie-laden food they enjoy themselves when you aren't around to see, hear, and smell it.

2. Keep Temptation Out of Sight

Even if your loved ones agree to eat their fattening goodies when you're not around, sometimes just knowing the forbidden foods are within arm's reach is enough to derail your diet. When this is the case, Lynda Mezansky, MS, RD, tells WebMD that playing a little game of hide-and-seek might be just what the diet doctor ordered.

"I'm not saying hide the food from your family members, just get it out of your sight -- ask them to keep it in a cabinet where you don't normally go for your diet foods, for example, or if you have a refrigerator in the basement or family room, keep the tempting foods there," says Mezansky, a clinical nutritionist at the Health and Fitness Center of Stamford Hospital in Connecticut.

If it's harder for you to get to the forbidden food, she says, you'll be less tempted to eat it.

3. Learn the Art of Substitution

While getting through the main course of dinner is usually not all that difficult -- even if you're rubbing elbows with a band of diet saboteurs -- that can change when dessert time rolls around. When family members trot out the apple pie a la mode, cheesecake samplers, or fudgey chocolate brownies, it can leave you feeling depressed and deprived -- not to mention tempted.

"It can be even worse if you are the one who has to prepare these desserts," says Restuccia. "You can certainly feel a little down when you spend the time making the foods that you can't eat."

The solution here: Give yourself a taste treat of your own by preparing a less-caloric dessert that captures some of the essence of what your family members are wolfing down.

For example, if the clan loves cheesecake, Restuccia says, "doctor up" some low-fat ricotta cheese with low-calorie sweetener and strawberries or blueberries to capture the taste without the calories. If it's apple pie you've got to look at, mix applesauce with cinnamon and some low-calorie whipped topping to help nip temptation in the bud.

"Be creative in finding foods that capture the smell and the taste of the tempting treats without the calories, and you'll often find that watching others eat the goodies won't be so hard," says Restuccia.

4. Share the Health

While traditional "diet" foods may not sound appealing to your partner or family, experts say you can often make the foods that everyone craves in a more healthful and calorie-conscious way. This not only benefits you, but everyone you share meals with. The trick is to learn the art of ingredient substitution.

"Use unflavored, no-fat yogurt in place of mayonnaise in coleslaw or salad dressing, always use skim milk instead of whole milk, make lasagna with low-fat cheese instead of whole milk-cheese," says Mezansky. "If you make the changes gradually over a few weeks' time, your family may not even notice the difference."
Creating a low-calorie shopping list will also help.

"If you get them used to baked chips instead of fried chips, popcorn instead of cheese doodles, diet soda instead of regular soda, you will be helping everyone -- and if you are tempted to snack, you'll be controlling at least some of the calories and fat," says Mezansky.

But what if you're not the one cooking the meals or doing the shopping?
Anytime you're served high-calorie foods, experts say, eat a little of the most calorie-dense dishes (like lasagna or pizza), and fill the rest of your plate with salad and vegetables. Be sure to skip the high-calorie accoutrements like garlic bread or gravy. The same strategy works when your best friend insists on taking you to lunch at Calorie City.

"If there are only high-calorie foods on the menu, ask your friend to split an entree with you so at least you're eating less," says Restuccia. And insist that next time, you get to pick the restaurant. Then choose one where you know you can order something healthy.

5. Be Reassuring

For some, seeing and smelling forbidden foods can be the ultimate seduction. For others, it matters not so much what their partners eat as what they say.

This is especially true when a loved one hands over that box of chocolates while saying things like, "I like you plump" or, "You're sexier when you're heavy."

Experts say such words can often send a dieter over the edge. "Something many overweight people share in common is low self-esteem, and when you already believe you're undesirable, hearing that losing weight will make you even more undesirable can make dieting very difficult," Restuccia tells WebMD.

What should you do if this happens? First, Goodstein says, try to get the bottom of why your partner feels this way. You may find it's really their fears and not their desires they're expressing, he says.

"When one partner begins to lose weight and improve their appearance, the other may feel threatened or scared that this new attractive person won't want them anymore," says Goodstein.

By encouraging the dieter to remain overweight, the partner can exert a form of control -- or at least ensure that the one with the "new" body is less likely to stray.

To get around it, he says, lovingly reassure your partner that your weight loss goals are driven by health, not vanity, and that losing those extra pounds will help ensure a better future for both of you.

"Make certain to explain the serious health risks involved in being overweight, and assure them that sticking to your diet is one way to ensure that you'll be around longer to share the future together," says Mezansky.

What can also help: Include your partner in your weight loss rewards.
"Tell them that if they can help you to lose the next 10 pounds, there will be a reward in it that you both can enjoy, like a weekend away, or purchasing an item for the house that you both want," Mezansky tells WebMD.

If, however, a partner, family member, or friend appears to be deliberately subverting your weight- loss plans -- and talking it out doesn't help -- talk to your doctor.

Adds Goodstein: "Though it doesn't happen too often, sometimes, one person's need to subvert the other person's success is a sign of a sadistic personality – with problems that are likely to be evident in other areas of the relationship as well."

Originally published Feb. 15, 2005.
Medically updated Jan. 23, 2006.
SOURCES: Charles Goodstein, MD, clinical professor of psychiatry, NYU Medical Center, New York. Nancy Restuccia, MS, RD, dietitian, Center for Obesity Surgery, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, New York. Lynda Mezansky, MS, RD, clinical nutritionist, Health and Fitness Center, Tulley Health Center of Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Ct.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

The story of a week

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
Hi, all!

This last week rushed by like a leaf in a windstorm…

My computer had been gradually misbehaving for some time, slowing down to a crawl. (Had it moved any slower, it would have been going in reverse!)…

A couple of weeks ago, after being on for an hour or so, inside the tower, a series of “click-click, click-click, click-clicks” started catching my attention…emphasized by the robot grinding down to a halt.

A technician friend of mine came over and determined that my hard drive was about to breathe its last breath, and I advised me that I need to buy a new one…

I started making frantic calls to various and sundry expert techies, ending up at the beginning: the place where I had purchased this computer++ about four years ago.

Here, Koc Lay Fong, the Manager and a friend of mine, began testing..inserted the new 160 Gig. Cassette, struggled to save my years of writing and other documents, files, programs, saved stuff, etc. and found that I had over seventy items with viruses…

To make a long story longer, I spent yesterday, Friday afternoon at his Lab. “yea-ing” and “nay-ing” which items I was willing to live without, that he could be delet VS. those I could not afford to sacrifice.

He agreed to bring the unit safe for me to take with me and do some catch-up work such as this over the weekend and return it on next Monday for completion. This will include a new anti-virus program, a back-up system, and another memory bar or two, if needed…

The most amazing thing is that, to offset a very anxious week during which I (as a total computer “moron”, as I irreverently refer to myself at times) forced myself to trust that Koc Lay would be able to retain all my important data after deleting the viruses, while not understanding what magic he was doing…

It was as scary as submitting to the surgeon’s knife for an operation after being pronounced ridden with a wide variety of lethal cancers, tumors and other scourges.

On that positive note :o), I wish you a Happy weekend and moi Good Luck! And now, I shall get our next post ready for you!


About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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opportunities so you can work at home visit:

About the Author:SEE PROFILE
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hi again!

NO! I haven’t given up on the Blogs, nor forgotten about you, dear friends!... Just returned after a week out of the area… had some pressing, unexpected business to take care of… you know how that goes, no?...

Anyway, I hope you are all well and eager to read the following thoughts which I scribbled down during my absence...If interested in so doing, feel free to quote
some or all of these...

1- The true code of an honorable indivudual is "A Word GIVEN is a Word KEPT"
(with NO substitutes such as fabricated excuses).

2- Our perceptions are often colored by what we see, how we feel, hope, long for, crave, desire, imagine...

3- One is defined by heart, honesty, kindness, generosity, charity and soul...

4- CHANGE (of one self) happens in undefinable units...not in grand gestures...

On the psychological front, CHANGE triggers Fears, Uncertanty, Anxiety, Horror, Discomfort and Unease...
Yet, it is Not necessarily "Loss"...

Rather, it is synonymous to * Improvement * Progress * Gain * Profit * Stimulation * Envigoration * Growth * Uplifting * Renewal * Rebirth...

It Ends * Boredom * Stagnation * Staleness * Enslavement * Feeling "Stuck In The Mud"..."Dead In The Water"..."Up The Creek Without A Paddle"...

Be back to you soon. Be well, and get some refreshing sleep!

Your Friend,


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sleep: More Important Than You Think

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Reviewed By Stuart Meyers, MD
By Michael Breus
WebMD Feature

Not sleeping enough and not sleeping well is not OK. As a matter of fact, there is quite a price to pay. It may surprise you to learn that chronic sleep deprivation, for whatever reason, significantly affects your health, performance, safety, and pocketbook.

There are many causes of sleep deprivation. The stresses of daily life may intrude upon our ability to sleep well, or perhaps we trade sleep for more work or play. We may have medical or mental-health conditions that disrupt our sleep, and be well aware that we are sleep-deprived.

However, it is critically important to realize that sleep deprivation is very often due to unrecognized sleep disorders. After a typical night's sleep, you may not feel restored and refreshed and be sleepy during the day, but be totally unaware that you are sleep-deprived or have a sleep disorder. You might think, "It's just the stress of work or the kids," or you might have "always felt this way" and had no idea that you should feel differently. This lack of awareness compounds the consequences, because so many people remain undiagnosed for years.

That said, let's look at the consequences of sleep deprivation.

In the short term:

• Decreased Performance and Alertness: Sleep deprivation induces significant reductions in performance and alertness. Reducing your nighttime sleep by as little as one and a half hours for just one night could result in a reduction of daytime alertness by as much as 32%.

• Memory and Cognitive Impairment: Decreased alertness and excessive daytime sleepiness impair your memory and your cognitive ability -- your ability to think and process information.

• Stress Relationships: Disruption of a bed partner's sleep due to a sleep disorder may cause significant problems for the relationship (for example, separate bedrooms, conflicts, moodiness, etc.).

• Poor Quality of Life: You might, for example, be unable to participate in certain activities that require sustained attention, like going to the movies, seeing your child in a school play, or watching a favorite TV show.

• Occupational Injury: Excessive sleepiness also contributes to a greater than twofold higher risk of sustaining an occupational injury.

• Automobile Injury: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates conservatively that each year drowsy driving is responsible for at least 100,000 automobile crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities.

The good news for many of the disorders that cause sleep deprivation is that after risk assessment, education, and treatment, memory and cognitive deficits improve and the number of injuries decreases.

In the long term, the clinical consequences of untreated sleep disorders are large indeed. They are associated with numerous, serious medical illnesses, including:

• High blood pressure
• Heart attack
• Heart failure
• Stroke
• Obesity
• Psychiatric problems, including depression and other mood disorders
• Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
• Mental impairment
• Fetal and childhood growth retardation
• Injury from accidents
• Disruption of bed partner's sleep quality
• Poor quality of life

Studies show an increased mortality risk for those reporting less than either six or seven hours per night. One study found that reduced sleep time is a greater mortality risk than smoking, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Sleep disturbance is also one of the leading predictors of institutionalization in the elderly, and severe insomnia triples the mortality risk in elderly men.

Remarkably, sleep loss may also be a contributing factor to obesity.

John Winkelman, MD, PhD, medical director of the Sleep Health Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School sums up this finding up nicely: "What most people do not realize is that better sleep habits may be instrumental to the success of any weight management plan."

And Michael Thorpy, MD, director of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York adds, "Any American making a resolution to lose weight ... should probably consider a parallel commitment for getting more sleep."

It is also important to realize the huge scope and prevalence of these disorders; more than 85 sleep disorders are recognized by the American Sleep Disorders Association, affecting more than 70 million Americans. Up to one-third of Americans have symptoms of insomnia; however, less than 10% of those are identified by primary-care doctors.

Sleep-related breathing disorders represent a spectrum of abnormalities that range from simple snoring to sleep apnea (repeated episodes of cessation of breathing during sleep). As highly prevalent as they are, most cases remain undiagnosed and untreated.

• Chronic snoring, for example, is associated with an increased incidence of heart and brain-related diseases. It is present in about 45% of the U.S. population; up to half of those have sleep apnea.

• The prevalence of sleep apnea is on par with diabetes and asthma. More than 20 million Americans -- 24% of adult men and 9% of adult women -- are estimated to have some degree of obstructive sleep apnea. Only a fraction have been diagnosed and treated.

• Sleep apnea is a primary risk factor for high blood pressure; as many as 40% of those people are undiagnosed and untreated for high blood pressure. Effective treatment of sleep apnea in patients with high blood pressure leads to a substantial reduction in stroke risk.

• Patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea perform as poorly as drunk drivers and have up to a 15-fold increased risk of motor vehicle accidents.

With the wealth of information and treatment options available for sleep deprivation, much of the suffering, illness from the many related diseases, increase in accident rates, and effects on productivity, performance, concentration, and memory can be avoided.

Increased awareness is the first step, for us individually and the health care community. Some researchers suggest that sleep deprivation should be recognized with the same seriousness that has been associated with the societal impact of alcohol.

Originally published May 2003.
Medically updated March 15, 2006.
SOURCES: Sleep: "We Are Chronically Sleep Deprived," Vol. 18 No. 10. Sleep Medicine, Kryger, Meir, et al., Third Edition. 2000. Sleep: "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Risk of Occupational Injuries in Non-shift Daytime Workers," Vol. No. 3. Heart Disease, Vol. 4 No. 5. Sleep "The Cost of Sleep-Related Accidents," Vol. 17, No. 1. National Center on Sleep Disorders Research. Sleep: "Health Care Utilization in the 10 Years Prior to Diagnosis in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Patients," Vol. No. 22. Journal of Clinical Hypertentions, Vol. 4 No. 6. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Vol. 15 No. 2. Sleep: "Sleepiness-Related Accidents In Sleep Apnea Patients," Vol. 23 No. 3. AM Rev Respir Dis: "Automobile Accidents Involving Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea," Vol. 138. Am J Respir Crit Care Me: "Simulated Driving Performance in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea," Vol. 154. Circulation: "Effect of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment on Blood Pressure in Patients with Obstructive Sleep apnea," Vol. 107. News release, "Planning to Lose Weight in the New Year? Experts Say, Think Sleep. Studies Show Sleep Loss May Sabotage Success of No.1 Resolution," Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc. Columbia University, Dept.of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
Copyright 2006 Sound Sleep, LLC.

About the Author:SEE PROFILE

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do You Really Need Eight Hours of Sleep?

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
Reviewed By Stuart Meyers, MD
By Michael Breus
WebMD Feature

Although many factors influence how much sleep you really need, most young adults report sleeping about seven and a half hours on weekday nights and eight and a half hours on weekend nights. And the common recommendation is eight hours a night. But individual needs vary greatly. There are so-called short-sleepers and long-sleepers -- those who need as little as five and a half hours to as much as about nine and a half hours.

How much sleep you require depends on several factors including:
• Your inherited genetic need
• Your sleep hygiene (those daily activities you control, from drinking coffee or alcohol to smoking and exercise)
• The quality of your sleep
• Your 24-hour daily cycle known as the circadian rhythm

For example, smoking, drinking, and exercise can affect your sleep dramatically. What you actually do in bed (like reading or watching TV) and how much exposure to light you have (looking at that bright computer screen 'til midnight) will also significantly alter both the quality and quantity of your sleep. They all interact to determine how long you need to sleep to wake up feeling refreshed and remain alert throughout the day.

How did we get the age-old recommendation that we need a solid eight hours of sleep? In a classic study, researchers placed a volunteer in windowless, light-controlled room for 30 days. The light was on for 16 hours and off for eight hours, but the study participant could also turn the lights on and off at will.

Before the experiment began, the subject routinely got about six and a half hours of sleep. During the first night of the experiment he slept eight hours, the second night 10 hours, the third night 12 hours, and the fourth night 14 hours. Over the next several days, he began to reduce the number of hours slept, eventually falling to a steady eight hours and 13 minutes. This experiment was performed repeatedly with all types of people, with similar results, and this is where the recommendation of eight hours comes from.

Your Sleep Debt

OK, so how do you determine how much sleep you really need?

First, let's look at your bank account -- your sleep bank account, that is -- and see if you have a debt to pay. Throughout the day, you take out about eight hours from this account, generating a sleep debt. Over the course of the night, as you snooze, you replenish your account. If you sleep only, say, six and a half hours, you still owe one and a half hours. If you do this for five nights in a row, you have lost an entire night's sleep! You will then need extra sleep over the next few days to replenish your sleep debt.

How much sleep do you get -- do you have a sleep debt? Do this simple test: Starting on a Sunday, do not drink alcohol or caffeine; do not smoke; go to sleep about the same time every night; and get an uninterrupted seven to eight hours of sleep for the next six nights. Then, on Saturday morning, sleep in. See how long your body will let you sleep. If you sleep longer than you did during the week -- then you have a sleep debt. So you should consider getting more sleep each night to replenish that sleep debt. Hey, not so easy, you say. Well, give it a try and do the best you can. Why?

Not getting the proper amount of and the best quality sleep may have serious consequences. Many studies have shown that sleep deprivation adversely affects performance and alertness. Reducing sleep by as little as one and a half hours for just one night reduces daytime alertness by about one-third. Excessive daytime sleepiness impairs memory and the ability to think and process information, and contributes to a substantially increased risk of sustaining an occupational injury.

The bottom line is that you should wake up feeling relatively refreshed, and you should generally not feel sleepy during the day. If this is not the case, you may have an unrecognized sleep disorder and should see your doctor or a sleep specialist.

Originally published April 1, 2003.
Medically updated Sept. 10, 2004.
SOURCES: Sleep Medicine, Kryger, Meir, et al., Third Edition, 2000. Sleep: "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and risk of Occupational Injuries in Non-shift Daytime Workers," Vol. no. 3. Sleep: "Dose-response Relationship Between Sleep Duration and Human Psychomotor Vigilance and Subjective Awareness," Vol. 22, No. 2. Sleep: "We Are Chronically Sleep Deprived," Vol. 18 No. 10. The Promise of Sleep, by William Dement.
Copyright 2004 Sound Sleep, LLC.

Happy Bastille Day! (On St. Patrick's Day, "Everyone is Irish"---Today: French!) :o)


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Friday, July 13, 2007

On SLEEP…Its importance...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

'Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.' (Ovid)

...Positive effects and benefits on Health and Weight Management…Sleeping pills and potions VS. Drugless, Natural SLEEP.

NBC-TV’s ‘Nighline’ Reports: Special series on SLEEP
(‘ Sleepless in America’ - Week 5/15-19/2006)… a few highlights of interest:

• It has been conclusively determined that the adult human body requires and average of 7-1/2 to 8 full hours of restful, peaceful, reconstructive SLEEP daily (nightly)..

• At another Sleep Clinic in PA. Dr. Sigrid Nissi states that the number of hours required to function ‘sharply’ varies with individual characteristics, including: age, weight, height, color and intellect…The more intelligent amongst the latter are said to rank amongst the more successful members of our society…

Ben Franklin said ‘Early to bed and early to rise’, and slept 3-4 hours on the average...Jay Leno and many others survive very well on just a few hours’ sleep…oftentimes broken up in several naps of 20 or more minutes each... while others claim that 8-9 hours is a minimum for them…

Apparently, more time-tested results are forthcoming on this important topic…

* Poor sleeping habits and sustained sleeplessness within the U.S. work force is costing business and industry an everage of 15 Billion Dollar$+ yearly in lost productivity due to absenteeism...Related medical costs exceed $16 Billion Dollar$...

• The Big Winners are the members of the Pharmaceutical Indsutry, whose components pocketed $43.1 Billion Dollar$ in profits from sales last year (an increase of 30% over the previous year for heavily advertised ‘LUNESTA’ and ‘AMBIEN’ spite of strong negative reports of dangerous effects upon many ‘AMBIEN’ users: loss of accidents, arrests for ‘Driving UnderT he Influence’ etc.!)…

More than ever, I feel privileged to have developed very Effective, Safe, Totally Drug-Free Modulations and techniques that ensure Fast, Deep, Sound, Rejunevating SLEEP…taught during The I.D.S and S.L.I.M. For Life © Trainings!

In weight management, it is important to note that a good night’s sleep helps your body process carbohydrates…

A recent study revealed that people with a sleep debt had lower glucose tolerance compared to when they were well rested… glucose tolerance may increase the risk of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, such as hypoglycemia…since, when you’re sleep deprived, sugars tend to linger in the blood and trigger insulin production...thus elevating body fat storage, which can contribute to type 2 diabetes problems...

Persistent insomnia: prolonged lack of sleep, of reposing, refreshing, restorative rest can cause Sleep Deprivation with potential consequential health problems of varied kinds, oftentimes severe…

Nights of sound, restful sleep are of the utmost importance in all weight management programs for better control of metabolic control and other pivotal excess fat burning processes... while lack of restful sleep interferes with the secretion of cortisol , a hormone that regulates appetite…If their levels are off balance, you may still feel ‘false hunger pangs’ although you may actually be ‘full’!...

Conversely, 7-8 hours of deep, restful, reconstructive sleep helps the body’s immune system as well as moods, outlook on life, concentration, clear thinking, blood pressure, heart health and many more wellness factors which we cover in another one of our Seminars dealing exclusively with this issue...

If this is getting a bit too serious for you... remember the old saying, whenever you go to bed : ‘one good turn…takes most of the covers!’….:o)

As has been mentioned throughout this Introductory work (of which this post is but a small fraction: the Simplest...Best... Safest...Healthiest option is to Relax and let your S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © empower you to harness the widest variety of Life Problems…
…in this case, that of restful, revitalizing, reconstructive, rejuvenating SLEEP.

On March 8, 2006...another in a long series of alarming news items was aired…

A ‘marvelous little sleeping pill’ extensively advertised, especially on TV, as being ‘safe...effective...and non-narcotic’ : LUNESTA was named as being the culprit involved in the arrest and incarceration for DUI (driving under the influence) of individuals displaying dangerously eratic patterns while operating a vehicle on our roadways.

Multiple traffic tickets were issued...and arrests made where accidents were involved. Amongst the tell-tale danger signals detected by the arresting officers were: weaving...apparent absence of proper coordination...lethargy... confusion...too-slow reaction time…

The ensuing blood tests revealed no illegal alcohol content but chemicals found in LUNESTA...which the apprehended individuals stated having taken the night before…Those who had also imbibed alcohol came out looking the worst…

This latest event on the alcohol and drugs scene resulted in adding a notch on he gun of the Law…labeling prosecutions involving users of LUNESTA (and other sleeping pills and potions) as ‘Sleep-Driving’... and they just coined ‘DUI-A’

For what it’s worth, and in all fairness to these pill-pushers’ alluring statements, such as: ‘Turn Off Your Restless Mind…’ and several more convincing ones…
they did also issue a few warnings and disclaimers which will ultimately serve to get them off the hook legally and criminally...and save them a small fortune, should the above LUNESTA-caused problems catapult into big buck law suits, class-action or others resulting in large awards…

We are indeed living in history-making times…sad to say, in cases such as this…

So, do not have any nightmares, but drug-free Happy, Peaceful Dreams and SLEEP on this Friday, the 13th. night!

Your Friend,


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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Grandma’s holiday ham recipe

An interesting, true story which I’ll tell you next perfectly illustrates how your Belief System makes you tick, even when the true facts prove you’re off track...(See: 4/11/2007 post)

A young married couple, Stephen and Marilyn Carlson, had moved into a new condo which they now could afford thanks to a raise in position and salary that Stephen recently earned.

One of Marilyn’s many talents was preparing the greatest baked ham Steve had ever tasted. He asked her if she would agree to make one on any upcoming weekend, so that he might invite the boss and his wife over for dinner.

Flattered, Marilyn agreed and so, after the guests of honor arrived and appetizers and drinks were served, Mrs. Phillips, the boss’ wife, joined Marilyn in the kitchen and expressed how everything smelled so good here. After friendly and happy chit-chat, dinner was served.

When Marilyn brought out the pan containing the ham, its fragrance and golden appearance elicited loud praise mixed with anticipation from the Phillips’. So, Marilyn bragged about how she always makes criss-cross cuts on top...sticks cloves and garlic slivers in the ‘X’es...rubs herbs, salt and pepper and honey all over it, then cuts off a couple of inches from both ends before putting the ham in the pan.

Mrs. Phillips asked Marilyn what was the reason for this?, to which Marilyn responded, " tell you the truth...I don’t know exactly why, but according to an old family recipe, that is what my mother taught me to do, just as her mother taught her...and you know the old saying: "What was good enough for Mommy is good enough for me...just like that old time religion !"

On their way home, Mrs. Phillips remarked to her husband that, although that was one of the tastiest hams ever, she found it to be too dry and attributed that to the severed ends, which must have let all the juices run out...

A couple of months later, at Easter time, Marilyn’s grandmother came over for a visit, and to meet Stephen. She delighted in watching her granddaughter prepare the traditional family ham, but almost screamed when Marilyn started cutting off the ends, and excitedly asked Marilyn why she was doing this?

So the young lady repeated the answer given previously to Mrs. Phillips and added "Granny, isn’t that what you taught Mommy to do?’ which the matriarch responded: "Yes, child...but don’t you see?...we were so poor in those days that we couldn’t afford to buy a larger pan!" :o)

Habits…Belief System...ends of the ham...there you have it...No logic, No good sense, No rhyme, No reason...and, remember to : "Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you don’t have a leg to stand on!" :o)

So: may I strongly recommend that you learn to take time...take a hard look...take stock to review, make a list of your most prominent, repetitious, habitual traits: those things you do that most other people appear not to appreciate, criticize, complain about, object to and perhaps were honest enough to have mentioned to you that this or that which you act like or do is not "cool".

Mind you: I am not suggesting that you automatically fold up or yield under the will, the pressures, habits, prejudices, dictates, "ways" or customs of others around you. For, to retain and maintain your own, special, individual mindset is most important for you to be "your own person".

What I am saying is: "Take a hard look, consider all your "different"..."odd"..."original"..."strange"..."unique" personality traits and behavior patterns".

A "pattern" is a significant, possible key to a problem, if one exists on the Negative end of the spectrum: it is revealed by the anti-social, aberrant, unorthodox, etc. "things" or "ways" you think, say, do repeatedly...and Believe to be "Right", although enough others frown upon them, to say the least.

By performing the introspective exercise which I propose, you may just find that it IS indeed "Right", especially for you. Then again, you may be surprised to discover that it is which case, you have a Decision to make, don’t you?...such as make a few (rea)adjustments or "changes", slight or drastic.

Fortunately, what with this series of writings which I am sharing with you, you now have a relatively easy system of ridding yourself of the habit(s) which you find is/are no longer desirable, and wish to trade in for better choices.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

At the risk of seeming to put a damper on the fairly hopeful effects of TV commercials such as those posted a little while ago…

...It is ESSENTIAL for all parents to bear in mind that, besides the ‘foods-and-sugary-beverages’ on trial, just as dangerous is the fact that ALL children have become wide-eyed fixtures...immobilized in front of the TV for hours on end!

The two elements just mentioned are major contributors to advanced and spreading Child Obesity, recent clinical studies have found…

And, while we’re on the subject, the adolescents and adults in the family ought to include themselves into the ominous picture as well!...

The lack of physical activity inherent in addictive TV gazing (except for the steady exercise of the jaws, as greasy, sugary, salty chips and junk foods are automatically being stuffed in)... amply supplied by the TV commercials that abound in ‘brain washing’ pitches for a wide variety of appetizing looking and sounding fattening and cholesterol-laden munchies of all sorts, ranging from hamburgers, fried chicken, chips, candies…further culprits in this frightening equation.

And that is only what happens 'to hold them until meal time’ …which is oftentimes another rotine force-feeding family exercise…

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Seafood Equation

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Why do some 80-year-olds whip through the Sunday crossword puzzle, while other seniors struggle with frequent memory blank-outs?

The difference may be as simple as a having an occasional tuna sandwich for lunch.

Nutrition researchers have been singing the praises of seafood for years: A fishy diet is linked to lower rates of heart disease, stroke, inflammation and certain eye diseases. Many studies have shown seafood may actually thwart depression and boost mood, all while protecting the brain as a whole.

Now researchers say eating fish may actually slow age-related cognitive decline in the elderly. According to a study in the Archives of Neurology, a diet that includes just one serving of fish -- any type of fish -- per week is associated with a slower rate of mental decline in the elderly.

Over time, the person who eats fish has a brain that is effectively three to four years younger than the person who doesn’t eat fish, says Martha Clare Morris, an epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

For six years, Morris and colleagues studied thousands of Chicago residents who were at least 65 years old or older. Scientists collected health and lifestyle information, including how often the volunteers ate a list of 139 foods, and whether they exercised or drank alcohol. Study participants also completed several cognitive tests, such as the ability to remember details of a story.

The study found that one weekly serving of fish resulted in a 10-percent slower rate of cognitive decline. Two servings of fish were even better, leading to a 13-percent slower rate of mental aging on average. Other foods, such as vegetables and fruit, weren’t strongly linked to sustained mental sharpness.

In the last decade, researchers have found fish to be in a class by itself when it comes to brain fitness. Fish is the key source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for neurological development and normal brain function.

One omega-3 fatty acid in particular, docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is known to be particularly crucial for upkeep of brain cells. The brain is 60-percent fat and it is through the fat-rich cell membrane that all nerve signals must pass. Unless it has all the ingredients for keeping cells in tip-top shape, the brain won’t function at full capacity, especially as it grows older.

Unfortunately, eating the typical American diet won’t keep the brain finely tuned. While consuming too much fat overall and especially too much saturated fat, many North Americans fail to get enough omega-3s from their food.

Further, the polyunsaturated oils widely recommended as healthful for the heart and widely used in cooking, frying and in prepared foods -- corn, safflower and sunflower oils -- have almost no omega-3s. Instead they are loaded with omega-6s, which have a tendency to crowd out the much-needed 3s.

You need a proper balance of omega-6 and omega-3 intake for cells to function optimally. For Americans, that generally means loading up on omega-3-rich foods like fish. Canola oil and walnut oil are also highly recommended because of their fat make-up.

The bottom line: Eat fish regularly. Nearly all species of fish are good sources of omega-3s, but oily cold-water fish, such as tuna and salmon, are particularly high in these brain-protecting goodies.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Lady on a Diet, A Little Nuts, Fruits & Veggies

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Wanna hear a funny Fad ‘diet plan’ joke?...Then, read this:

A lady is overweight, so her doctor puts her on a diet.

He tells her, "I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat the procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least five pounds."

When the lady returns, she's lost nearly 20 pounds.

"Why, that's amazing!" the doctor says. "Did you follow my instructions?"

The lady nods and answers, "I'll tell you, though, I thought I was going to drop dead that third day."

"From hunger?" asks the doctor.

"No", replied the lady, "From skipping" (NOTE: "rope" belongs after "skipping") :o)

And then again…it is always good to go… A Little Nuts...

Reducing your risk of a heart attack may be as easy as eating a couple handfuls of peanuts each week.

In a study, it was suggested that men who ate nuts at least twice per week had a 46% lower chance of dying suddenly of a heart attack compared to men who rarely or never ate nuts. Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts are all good nuts to eat.

Down Fruits and Veggies, Drop a Pound

Want to drop a pound a week? Eat a piece of fruit or a serving of vegetables every 2 to 3 hours every day. Not only will the number on your bathroom scale start to creep lower, but you'll also maximize your body's disease-fighting ability.

The Seafood Equation

Why do some 80-year-olds whip through the Sunday crossword puzzle, while other seniors struggle with frequent memory blank-outs? The difference may be as simple as a having an occasional tuna sandwich for lunch.

Nutrition researchers have been singing the praises of seafood for years: A fishy diet is linked to lower rates of heart disease, stroke, inflammation and certain eye diseases. Many studies have shown seafood may actually thwart depression and boost mood, all while protecting the brain as a whole.

Now researchers say eating fish may actually slow age-related cognitive decline in the elderly. According to a study in the Archives of Neurology, a diet that includes just one serving of fish -- any type of fish -- per week is associated with a slower rate of mental decline in the elderly.

Over time, the person who eats fish has a brain that is effectively three to four years younger than the person who doesn’t eat fish, says Martha Clare Morris, an epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

For six years, Morris and colleagues studied thousands of Chicago residents who were at least 65 years old or older. Scientists collected health and lifestyle information, including how often the volunteers ate a list of 139 foods, and whether they exercised or drank alcohol. Study participants also completed several cognitive tests, such as the ability to remember details of a story.

The study found that one weekly serving of fish resulted in a 10-percent slower rate of cognitive decline. Two servings of fish were even better, leading to a 13-percent slower rate of mental aging on average. Other foods, such as vegetables and fruit, weren’t strongly linked to sustained mental sharpness.

In the last decade, researchers have found fish to be in a class by itself when it comes to brain fitness. Fish is the key source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for neurological development and normal brain function.

One omega-3 fatty acid in particular, docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is known to be particularly crucial for upkeep of brain cells. The brain is 60-percent fat and it is through the fat-rich cell membrane that all nerve signals must pass. Unless it has all the ingredients for keeping cells in tip-top shape, the brain won’t function at full capacity, especially as it grows older.

Unfortunately, eating the typical American diet won’t keep the brain finely tuned. While consuming too much fat overall and especially too much saturated fat, many North Americans fail to get enough omega-3s from their food. Further, the polyunsaturated oils widely recommended as healthful for the heart and widely used in cooking, frying and in prepared foods -- corn, safflower and sunflower oils -- have almost no omega-3s. Instead they are loaded with omega-6s, which have a tendency to crowd out the much-needed 3s.

You need a proper balance of omega-6 and omega-3 intake for cells to function optimally. For Americans, that generally means loading up on omega-3-rich foods like fish. Canola oil and walnut oil are also highly recommended because of their fat make-up.

The bottom line: Eat fish regularly. Nearly all species of fish are good sources of omega-3s, but oily cold-water fish, such as tuna and salmon, are particularly high in these brain-protecting goodies.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

More about Dr. Jacques Girard's activities...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Updated Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The S.L.I.M. For Life (c) training is a powerful weight management system that uses Dr. Girard's proprietary autogenic (self-induced and controlled) behavior modification techniques - easy to learn and practice daily for optimum and long lasting effectiveness.

After the graduates' ideal weight and measurements goals are reached, weight maintenance further becomes an automatic fresh way of life through the sustained use of his Inner Dimensions deep self-hypnosis methods.

Best of all, to reinforce the fact that this is the safest and most risk-free means through which to gradually, pleasantly and permanently become 'Slim For Life', the system involves NO
*pills/drugs * fad/privation dieting or special foods * surgical interventions * backbreaking exercising * calories counting, portion weighing * obsessiveness/ nervousness/anxiety/ stress/ frustration /resentment / guilt, etc. -producing regimentation and taboos...

..simply the daily practice of listening to Dr.Girard's relaxing, deep Self-Hypnosis tapes or CDs, in which he uses No 'subliminal' (inaudible) sounds or verbiage. It is all quite 'transparent', non- threatening and above-board.

On the contrary: participants are encouraged to listen to their tapes or CDs while in a waking state, and to invite any qualified Professional they trust to do so as well, if they desire a 'second opinion'.

Dr. Girard does interject many 'word/images' which he developed, tested and have proven to trigger a day-and-night ongoing increased speed in the metabolic dynamics, as well as depressing the hunger pangs and cravings centers...while safeguarding lean muscle mass, bone density, skin tone and firmness.

Dr. Girard taught at several Southern California Universities, and contributed many innovative techniques, including in Hypno-anesthesiology at the U.S.C., L.A. School of Dentistry..and to numerous O/R Surgeons and Nurses, for the sake of patients who are allergic to anesthetics or 'afraid of needles'.

He was also awarded a Lifetime Teaching Certificate valid at any/all California State Community Colleges...earned several Certificates in Master Hypnosis, Hypnotheray and N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Dr. Girard researched, developed and conducted countless seminars on a wide spectrum of topics in the private, business and professional arenas..with pragmatic applications and lasting benefits...whose dramatic results were heralded in numerous testimonials, accolades, interviews, articles in the press and personal guest appearances on Radio and Television 'Talk Shows".

Specializing in headache/migraine and weight control in private practice for many years, Dr. Girard shared a Clinic with his friend and partner, Fleming Josefson, M.F.C.C., a protege and graduate of the world-renowned Dr. Milton Erickson, the 'Father' of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which was later commercialized by two other graduates: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Dr. Girard shared with another one of his close friends and associates: Jack Rosenberg, aka 'Werner Erhard' the essence of what became the foundation of the latter's "est" (Erhard Seminars Trainings). Then, he helped him launch the program which became a global success for ten years, when Werner decided to retire.

Dr. Girard is a past President of several Chapters of Southern California's Clinical Hypnotherapists' Association. Subsequently, he was mandated by the majority of the professional membership to become its California State President for several years.

Simultaneously, he also served as a Chapter President of the prestigious N.S.A. (National Speakers' Association), whose membership roster incorporates world renowned business, professional, government and military leaders. This, as a public speaker in high demand and part of his extensively conducting contracted special trainings and motivational courses at Corporate and University levels.

As an inveterate Humanitarian, Dr. Girard, in the 1980s, formed and ran a non-profit, tax- exempt Foundation, The STOP CRIME Seminars, which he personally financed.

Without seeking government, tax-payers' funds, he volunteered his time and effective techniques to teach his customized seminars to male and female inmates of several Southern California Penal Institutions and "half-way houses" 3-5 evenings a week.

The resulting successes obtained with his graduates literally shocked the late and highly respected Sheriff Sherman Block, the reigning 'Pope' of Los Angeles County's Sheriff Department for years. That department also supervised the L.A. county jails and prisons.

To Wit: 57 inmates participated in Dr. Girard's initial series of seminars, and were subsequently paroled. After over one full year following their release, monitoring them non-oppressively showed that Not One of them was ever re-arrested for committing any new crime(s), nor breached parole! This was a feat totally unprecedented in L.A. County's history of high recidivism (up to 95% within as little as six weeks, according to Sheriff Block!).

Dr. Girard was subsequently made an Honorary Peace Officer in Southern California and Baja California, MX., where he further volunteered to instruct Law Enforcement Officers in interrogation techniques, using primarily N.L.P. These proved to be more effective and accurate than 'lie detector' machines or thiopental sodium (sodium pentothal), while facilitating the conducting of the questioning procedures in a non-threatening and humane mode.

While consulting, training and motivating corporate executives and employees,he studied and mastered Marketing, Sales, Closing and germane techniques. These served him well in his own entrepreneurial and investing endeavors. Achieved remarkable "tours de force" in the Film, Entertainment, Imports-Exports Industries.

He is presently contributing his experience to a community within Tijuana, B.C...after he was named its Chief of Vigilance and Security. He is coordinating the support of top Police decision makers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico borders, with a goal of rendering the 'LAS CALIFORNIAS' an exemplary model community.

Peace, safety, relative quiet, crimelessness, respect for the Law..neighbors caring and watching out for neighbors, their property, lives and limbs and helping to improve human conditions and the quality of life are already becoming apparent. The total absence of graffiti is but the first pleasant sign of aesthetics and decorum here.

Dr. Girard expects to inspire, motivate and positively 'infect' other areas of the City where crimes of all sorts are still common and to invite their leaders to emulate 'LAS CALIFORNIAS'.

'Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.'

(Pete Seeger)

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Saturday, July 07, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Millions of superstitious individuals and numerologists around the Globe are thinking, saying and doing all sorts of out-of-the usual things in the honor of the rare three SEVENS reminiscent of slot machines’ Jackpots… believing that they are LUCKY.

As a matter of fact, "they" say that TODAY IS THE LUCKIEST DAY OF THE CENTURY!

Oddly enough, I use a the diminishing progression of 21 down to 7 as a part of the count-downs and up of my Modulations.

The host of a television talk show who interviewed me several times stated that 7 is a number symbolizing completion, and 21, a multiple of 7 vibrates strongly within this realm.

While I am not superstitious, nor did I study numerology, just as any “good news” uttered by a palmist or crystal ball gazer is always pleasant to hear, whether or not one believes in these. so is the above concept related to today’s date.

After all, we like to say in French that “Hope makes us live”…so do I wish you and yours all the Good Luck, Health and Fortune of the 7-7-7...and a tremendous weekend!

Your Friend,


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Thursday, July 05, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

ArcaMax Publishing > Weather

Since before the end of June, the weather in the south-western U.S. has been quite sunny and warm. The week of July 4th turned hot (it is supposed to be around 80 degrees F. at the beach and mid-to-upper 90s inland. So I feel compelled to share this excellent article with you, as heat is heat is heat is heat wherever you are – true?

We expect summer to be hot, so we may not think about the danger of heat waves. But heat-related problems claim more lives each year than lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes. Don't risk it this summer -- know what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and what to do just in case.

Possible Disorders by Heat Index

For those at higher risks for heat stroke, these are possible effects of continued exposure to high temperatures. The temperatures below are for heat index, and not necessarily actual temperature. Be sure to check your local weather forecast for a daily heat index.

80-90 degrees: Possible fatigue with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

90-105 degrees: Possible sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

105-130 degrees: Likely sunstroke, heat cramps, or heat exhaustion; possible heat stroke with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

130 degrees or higher: Heatstroke or sunstroke highly likely with continued exposure.

Possible Heat Disorder Symptoms

Sunburn: Redness and pain; can include swelling, blisters, headaches, and fever in severe cases.
First Aid: For mild cases, or if blisters appear but do not break, apply ointment. If blisters break, use a dry, sterile dressing. Extreme cases should always be treated by a physician.

Heat Cramps: Heavy sweating, as well as painful cramps in the leg and abdominal muscles.
First Aid: Relieve cramping with pressure on the muscles or gentle massage. Administer sips of water; discontinue if nausea occurs.

Heat Exhaustion: Cold, clammy skin, heavy sweating, weakness, fainting, weak pulse, and vomiting. It is possible to have a normal temperature.
First Aid: Get the victim out of the sun immediately. Make sure they are lying down, loosen clothing, and apply cool, wet cloths. As soon as possible, move to an air conditioned room. Administer sips of water unless nausea occurs. If vomiting occurs, seek professional medical help immediately.

Heat Stroke/Sunstroke:

Temperature of 106 degrees or higher; hot, dry skin; strong, rapid pulse. Possible unconsciousness.
First Aid: Summon medical help or get the victim to the hospital immediately. In the meantime, move the victim to a cooler environment, remove their clothes, and lower their body temperature with a cold bath or sponging. Do not administer fluids.

How to Avoid Heat-Related Problems

Dress appropriately. Wear lightweight clothing to help your body maintain normal temperatures, and light colors that will reflect (rather than absorb) sunlight.

Avoid getting too much sun. Not only are sunburns uncomfortable, but they also make it more difficult for your body to dissipate heat.

Cut down on proteins and salty foods. They increase your metabolism, which also increases water loss.

Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverage. Make sure to keep rehydrating constantly, even if you don't feel thirsty. (If you have any sort of medical condition, consult your physician before any dramatic change in your fluid intake.)

Avoid alcoholic beverages. A high alcohol intake can dehydrate you very quickly.

Make use of air conditioning. Stay near one as much as possible each day. If you don't have or can't afford one, try to find a building that does and spend some time there whenever you can.

Take it easy. Limit any strenuous activities to the coolest place possible, or during the coolest part of the day. If possible, they should be eliminated wherever possible.

This news arrived on: 06/12/2006 Stay cool!

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Joel Broughton, one of the two heads of “PIF4P: Pay It Forward 4 Profits” (the link that precedes and ends my recent posts) , sent me a special “insiders’ invitation” today.

I had “put his and his partner Paul’s sincerity, ethics and readiness to support newbies like me to the test” on a couple of occasions, and they passed far beyond my highest expectations.

The details so impressed this Cynic that I unhesitatingly paid the unbelievable $9. entry fee.

Upon perusing what I downloaded from Chad Rissanen “The Marketing Cowboy” who created this viable turnkey pathway to Financial Freedom (including full 1 on 1 training and support), I decided to share this with all of you to further celebrate America’s Independence and 231st Birthday.

Without “talking you into anything”, I do urge you to click on this link and discover what I am so enthused about for yourself and/or someone you know who’d appreciate it. And, of course, do not hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions, comments, etc.

Best of all, you do not need to be American to participate ! LOL…Check this out, won’t you?

And, while you’re at it, if you haven’t done so yet: check out the payitforward4profit link too!

HAPPY FREEDOM DAY and LIFE to you all!

Your Friend,


About the Author:SEE PROFILE
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cancer precautions from Johns Hopkins Hospital

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

What with all he 4th of July celebrations tomorrow… and the Warnings about “safety” (including the prohibited uses of privately exploded fireworks, and related locations)…the recent arrests of several Muslim Physicians (!) in England and elsewhere (who were directly linked with two failed car explosions in the U.K. through the excellent detective work by the vigilant Police and the Scotland Yard)…triggered by the car fire bombing at Scotland’s major airport…

…I felt that the following precautions issued by the renowned John Hopkins Hospital well deserve your special attention.


NO plastic containers in microwave
NO plastic water bottles in freezer
NO plastic wrap in microwave

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in their newsletter:

it's definitely worth noting..

This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer, especially breast cancer.

DON’T freeze your plastic water bottles with water, as this releases dioxins in the plastic.

Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle Hospital was on a TV program explaining this health hazard.(He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital.)

He was talking about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.

This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.

Dioxins are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends using glass, CorningWare or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results without the dioxins.

So, such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc.,should be removed from the container and heated in something else.

Paper isn't bad, but you don't know what's in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.

He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

To add to this, Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food; use paper towels.

Wishing all my American friends and readers a safe, healthy and fun 4th of July!


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Monday, July 02, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

...of earlier ‘written in granite’ Healthy Diet(ing) Rules’..Advice..Dos & Don’ts…

(February, 2006) - The latest shocking revelations from U.S. Cardiologists and Nutritionists just released are the following:

‘Low carb. and fats diets’…5 daily servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. were ‘imposed’ on a test group of 50 post-menopausal women over a period of eight years...while the second group of like ladies were allowed to maintain their usual , non-restrictive diets…

...the purpose of which was to compare the amount and percentage of lowered ‘bad’ cholesterol versus increased ‘good’ effects on heart attacks, strokes, etc.

The bottom line was just divulged: ‘There was no or little measurable difference between the two goups in health consequences, although group ‘A’ did lower their ‘bad’ cholesterol slightly, it would appear’, said one Cardiologist, who was interviewed on KPBS-FM (Public Broadcasting, the radio counterpart of KPBS-TV) on 2/10/2006.

The parting conclusions were that those who consume the ‘healthy foods should continue so doing, as they are ‘after all Better For You’…

One more piece of evidence that it is high time for all to look for and use those "magical" techniques which point to ‘silent, intuitive, automatic, relaxed, non-threatening, non-restrictive, non-oppressive, non-enervating pathways, and give totally safe and gentle directions'...

... readily available to each and everyone of us simply by tapping our All-Knowing, Powerful Subconscious Mind's inexhaustible reservoir of accurate using the easy system offered by your S.L.I.M. For Life © Modulations.

More than our thirty-five years' unbroken track record of resounding successes have proven that we ARE ‘THE’ solution to all these confusing...contradictory... costly and often dangerous ‘remedies’ and formulae touted by imperfect, not "too sure" and/or unqualified ‘experts’ out to make a fast buck, build a name for themselves and boost their egos…who give the reliable, ethical, concerned, caring Professionals a black eye…

Just imagine easily obtaining desired results without any drugs, dietary taboos, backbreaking exercises...none of the high risks, sacrifices, suffering, frustrations...nor ending up regaining all the "lost" weight, fat, inches, and more!...

YOU decide…

ADDENDUM (4/4/2006): NBC-TV’s Nightline just revealed new sobering ‘facts’ about another MAJOR reversal of a heavily popularized taboo: it deals with the SUN and its rays which, for the past several decades, we have been brainwashed and assured will give us skin and other forms of CANCER (including: prostate, colon, breast and esophagus), according to Dr. Julia Knight, of Toronto, Canada..and two U.S. Physicians…

NOW, instead of ‘Stay OUT and AWAY from the rays’, it is: ‘Come BACK and Stay a While’... About ten minutes of sunbathing exposure WITHOUT ANY protective lotion or sunscreen is actually GOOD and HEALTHY, especially around mid-day, as it will supply about 1,000 to 1,200 Units of essential Vitamin ‘D’ – an excellent anti-cancer protection tool (the average American is said to take in no more than 400 U. daily nowadays).

And in the arena of daily updates on ‘Weight, Fatness, Obesity...’: U.S. kids of 3 to 5 years of age have just been officially declared to be so FAT and Overweight (also known as ‘Super-Sized’) that an alarming number of them no longer fit in car safety seats which the Law forces their parents to use while on the road…

These children have been complaining that the seats are too snug and uncomfortable… and many have been reported to actually fall out of them upon impact or even common jolts…

Incredulous Mothers are saying: ’Those darn manufacturers must be skimping!’... (as they shove a couple of french fries into their Baby Huey's open mouth)...

So, what will they say to rationalize another amazing fact: AMBULANCES transporting alarming numbers of obese adults and adolescents (who were the Baby Hueys spotlighted just above...not so long ago...) are also being forced to revamp (Increase) the size of their gurneys and beds in order to accommodate the latter…

Well, I guess I have more than made my point…and justified some of the many reasons “Why I do not follow the Experts’ recommendations” as outlined in my post of 6/27 last...and hope that a couple of the reality check/ eye openers above will not have offended, rather: inspired into positive actions those to whom the shoe fits... I am only practicing the old adage, "Aspire to Inspire before you Expire".

In closing today’s expose, let me say that, in my Expert opinion, "blah, blah, blah..." :o) :o) :o)...


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