Friday, June 22, 2007

10 Ways To Control Your Hunger Pangs & Cravings

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

A recent survey questioned participants whether or not they have food vices. The response was a unanimous YES! And 38 percent confessed to breaking their diets DAILY to consume them, while another 33 percent break their diets WEEKLY to indulge in them.

So let’s put some focus on those vices and help you BUST them out of your life and keep you progressing toward your weight goals.

First things first: Eat breakfast! It is said to be THE most important meal of the day, it awakens your metabolism and ignites your fat-burning furnace (*)

Plan lunch and dinner and healthy snacks for throughout the day. Do not skip meals or planned snacks. Skipping on recharging your body with healthy fuel will certainly send you searching for your vice foods and knock you off track!

There are so many "good-for-you" snacks on the market today, there is really no reason you should have a cupboard full of Twinkies and Dorritos. Always read the back of the packages of foods -- look at the fat, carb and calorie content. NOTHING is as good of a snack as a fresh, raw, organically grown fresh fruit or vegetable!

Here's a list of healthy snacks that won’t ruin your diet:
• Frozen grapes
• Animal crackers
• Any type of low fat crackers - (there are many different varieties - read the back of the packages to make sure that they are low in fat. Again, be wary of the salt content.)
• Fat Free Fig Newtons
• AIR popped or LITE microwave popcorn without butter
• A cup of sliced strawberries with fat free Koolwhip
• Frozen banana
• A stick of sugar-free chewing gum
• Mini carrots
• A cup of raw veggies with non-fat salad dressing for dip.

More ideas
* Brush your teeth and put whitening strips on!
* DRINK WATER! Water is nature’s BEST appetite suppressant. Lean on it in times of hunger pangs!
* Keep your fingers busy so finger food isn’t an option! I think everyone has a great novel in their heart, so start writing. You never know -- you could end up on Oprah’s couch crying with her about your new book club book pick

(*) Interestingly enough, I was credited for coining this metaphor over thirty-five years ago, as part of my S.L.I.M. For Life Program…It is an excellent I shall only quote another popular one to illustrate why this sort of plagiarism of “cutesy word coinage” does not bother me: ‘Imitation is the highest form of flattery’.. :o)

(*) P.S.: And about “Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day”…if you haven’t yet gathered that I personally do not adhere to this particular belief and custom, passed on from generation to generation, let me reconfirm that I haven’t eaten breakfast since age 18.

Not for revellious reasons...simply in keeping with a Promise I had made to myself that, after leaving my family to go to America, I would ONLY eat when I am hungry, drink when I am thirsty, sleep when I am tired...never when the clock says it is time to...

When you read all my posts, you will learn why, and the fact that breaking this, and other dietary die-hard “Must Dos” have never done me ANY harm. My Physicians continue to be amazed, as they too, were brainwashed by this ongoing tradition, thus swear by it and help perpetuate it.

“Logically” speaking, the modern theory behind the metabolic values of religiously eating breakfast may make sense. However, I almost never get hungry before dark (and will eat at other times, if and when I do). “My” Health and Wellness Powers come from “A Higher Source” (as repeatedly explained and demonstrated throughout my Trainings).

I am referring to that awesome Force comparable to the capabilities of “God” in so many wonderful ways: Your and my Sub-conscious Brain cells, networks of nerves, lobes and other miraculous Labyrinths over which WE have TOTAL Control, and are at our disposal 100%, around the clock.

“As WE THINK and Fervently BELIEVE, So We ARE!”. Remember also that we attract that which we FEAR and WORRY ABOUT the Most, on a consistent basis! Conversely, we also have the ability to attract Good, Wholesome, Beneficial events and people! :o)

MY rationale for having “gotten away with” skipping breakfast (and most lunches) since my late teens is that I did not believe that “listening to and following the directions of my Inner Voice, my Higher Self” would ever mislead or harm me in any way!... And IT HASN’T!

To Wit: Yesterday, after the six month follow-up medical exam by one of my Physicians (**), she literally beamed with pleasure at my excellent overall condition. She especially loved my mental attitude and how I positively handle what too many others unfortunately turn into major health problems.

(**) She is the head of the outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Department of a large Hospital: a humble, “up” genius of a Lady who cared for me when I was first admitted for a broken right shoulder, and through my convalescing period.

And now, I wish YOU and yours a bright, Happy weekend!

Your Friend.


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