Saturday, June 16, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

By the way, did you ever see that cartoon of a stork that had a frog in its beak…about to be swallowed down?
One of the frog’s rear legs (a delicacy where I come from) was hanging low while both its front ones squeezed the stork’s throat as the latter looked justifiably surprsied…The caption read: ‘NEVER GIVE UP!!’…:o)

The act of repeating an action over and over again creates a psychological pattern..and soon a new habit.. This technique can be used to form new habits as well as get rid of existing ones you no longer want in your lifestyle…

A little later down the line, I will share with you a simple daily mental exercise in the form of a chart which will be fully explained to you and further ease forming new habits and/or eliminate old ‘bad’ ones…

Meanwhile: REMEMBER that it took many repetitions on your part (daily..and probably even more frequently than that) of catering and giving in to every little hunger pang and craving to form your ‘instant gratification’ and automatic reaction-habit.

It made you a slave to food and drinks that you know make you fat..yet, all the logic and intelligence you possess..yes! all your ‘will power’ turns to mush in the face of your habit..or may we call it your addiction perchance?..

For, if it is the latter: you ought to realize that it would be tantamount to handing over your personal freedom.. independence..right and duty to be and remain in control of your own life..of your future and destiny.. to an ‘evil power’ of sorts... one that is only out to possess you..your emotions..your happiness..peace of mind..pride.. self-respect and total beingness as a free individual…

Once again, let me ask you this:…Better still, ask your Self:
* WHO is in charge?..
* WHO is in control of your life?..
* WHO has the right to dictate..insist..impose..badger..nag..intimidate..force..’push around’..pressure..threaten..derail You anyway?

Is it your stomach?...your cravings?...your hunger pangs?...

Do you mean to tell me that your stomach OWNS.. DICTATES..and CONTROLS YOU?..

..Or do YOU OWN your stomach?...Just as YOU OWN, CONTROL, DICTATE to ALL OTHER parts of your body...Mostly: your MIND, THOUGHTS, DESIRES and ALL ELSE that matters and is most important to YOU?

For those of you esteemed readers who may not be clear about the exact process..about how the brain functions and does all that it does..and what well established scientific evidence and clinical facts give us the right to state, in no uncertain terms, that WE and WE ALONE have the ABSOLUTE.. .EXCLUSIVE..TOTAL CONTROL and are in COMPLETE CHARGE of our own Powerful.. All-Capable BRAIN and MIND…WE…YOU and I !!!

To fully illustrate this vital attribute while keeping it simple and interesting for everyone, I’ll invite you, next, to take a look at... examine.. review and compare the Conscious, Left portion of your BRAIN to its Sub-conscious Right hemisphere in terms of the pluses and minuses of each…

..Just as it behooves you to learn and familiarize yourself as much as you can with the gadgetry of a new automobile before taking it out for a test is even more imperative that you be fully aware of every aspect of the momentous machinery lodged between your ears, which could be paralleled to the engine... transmission... electric system...brakes...gas and oil tanks... radiator... instrument panel and all other crucial components necessary to make the whole run smoothly…

Have a Great weekend!...And, for you Dads: A Happy Father's Day!


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