Monday, June 18, 2007

Controlling Your Hunger Pangs & Cravings - Part VI

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed a fine weekend and are all charged up about creating and experiencing a Great Week for yourself and those in your personal Universe.

Back to overcoming your "neurotic" hunger pamgs and "fool's gold" cravings, a very important brain function rarely discussed is that mood/emotions/sleep/ appetite-affecting chemical substance called Serotonin.

The female brain actually contains and produces far more of it than the male’s, resulting in ‘her’ being more emotional, sentimental, even temperamental than her male counterpart.

And so, you gals find it far easier to talk about and express your feelings than we guys, for instance. By contrast, we appear to find it difficult to pay sustained attention or show genuine interest and listen to you for very long periods at a time…especially when, to us, you seem to go on ‘indefinite’ tirades of unrelated topics…

This syndrome becomes even more pronounced when your sympathetic nervous system renders you unpredictable, thus confusing, even irritating to us… causing us to often "ignore" you...the safest tactic, incidentally, compared to treating you like a pesky child who simply ‘won’t let go’...which further contributes to occasional emotional imbalances, outbursts, neurotic ramblings and the like...triggered by???

It would help ease such tense moments if you fellows would make an effort to give your mate or lady friend more eye contact whenever she is ‘off and running’... scolding...trying to change you (Hah! :o))...nagging...dredging up from what you believed was the grave of ‘dead and buried'...forgiven and forgotten [at least, by you] events of ancient history...even screaming (especially when her hormones seem to turn her into a ‘Category Five Hurricane’ at certain times of the month, A.K.A. [also known as] Powerful Major Storm...which is probably why such natural occurrences that lash out with devastating force are given female names )...:o)

The recommended eye contact – especially when made with inner Love..Warmth and heartfelt, patient supportiveness - at least reassure the unleashed lady that you are paying attention to her, if not truly concerned or interested in what she says…

These serotonin and sympathetic nervous system differences are all part of the ongoing (for millennia) ‘Mars/Venus tug-of-war of the sexes’...and an intrinsic part of ‘life’ together and living it as best as we can in relative peace and harmony…

While this is a fascinating, pragmatic and important topic, if you wish or need to dig deeper into it, may I suggest you join a support a dedicated mental health or marriage counseling professional...or send me a question in this Blog or via email...or read books on the subject.

My prime task is to focus on sharing with you items of value in your search for ways to control your emotionally-based hunger pangs and cravings...and shed those excess pounds and inches, to which I must now return...fair enough?

A bientot! (Until soon),


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