Friday, June 15, 2007

Controlling Your Hunger Pangs & Cravings- Part IV

The Myryam W. story and testimonial letter

A classical example comes to mind…This is the true story of a lady who, a few years ago, called my office as I was getting ready to load my bags into the car, on my way to flying out of town where I was leading a Seminar Series.

Myriam W. had been referred to me by my partner, a M.F.C.C. and fellow-Clinical Hypnotherapist..who told her that I would be ‘the best man’ for her particular case.

She had unexpectedly become widowed after a happy marriage of over thirty years and was experiencing numerous anxiety and depression problems...she had trouble sleeping at night...would get up and start baking cakes and cookies, which she ‘intended’ to present to her daughter and grandchildren. However, they ended up in her own much so that, after maintaining the ‘girlish figure’ she had proudly kept since her College days, she gained over forty pounds

Whenever she would wake up at soon as she would realize her situation...tears rolling down her cheeks...sobbing...desperate... lonely... scared...she would head for the kitchen...

The refrigerator, usually well stocked with her pastries, including her favorite lemon meringue pie, from which she would cut and eat a large piece...and, since hers truly was the most delicious anywhere, she would cut another piece...make some hot chocolate and alleviate her frustration for a while longer...until she decided that she might as well have the large remaining slice join its ‘siblings’...then she'd proceed to bake another pie…

Because I was under pressure to leave, and was scheduled to be out of town for a while, I explained that I would not be able to take her on as a new patient. I asked Myriam if she had ever practiced self-hypnosis, and was pleased to hear her ‘yes!’ answer…

The first technique I suggested she use was the one I shared with you: Visualize... Imagine... Make Believe...Create... Invent any situation that will force you to WAIT for 15-20 minutes without ‘giving in’, etc.…

Since we had a specific clue as to ‘what’ had caused her weight gain, I went a step further: I recommended that, any time she would wake up, startled, ‘all shook up’...instead of heading for the kitchen , she was to close her eyes and powerfully visualize herself going to the refrigerator...find it empty...mentally throw on some clothes...imagine going to her car and driving to a nearby 24-hour ’31 Flavors’ Ice Cream store... (Don't some of you just wish there were one?) :o)

Once there, she was to order a scoop of every flavor in the place...have them served in a Huge bowl...cover them with whipped cream...and every which topping they had on hand…ask for a large ladle and start ‘digging in’ with all the gusto she could muster…I asked that she truly savor each mouthful to the fullest...and feel free to express her delight with loud ‘Mmmmm!’ and ‘Wow!’ and ‘Oh, my Gosh!’ and ‘..Yummy, yummy, yummy!’ sounds of Joy and Delight…

…then, keep on 'shoveling in' this ice cream feast until she would feel totally satisfied...even if that meant placing another order for more…and, when she would feel that she could not take another wipe off her mouth, drive her smiling face back home...fall into bed... and sleep like a baby log (or hog?) :o)

A few months later, as I was conducting a Seminar at U.S.C.’s Davidson Conference Center in Los Angeles, I could not help noticing the beaming face of an attractive lady in the front row. During the first break, she approached me and introduced herself to me: it was Myriam , who had sent me a ‘Thank You’ note the week before…It said:

‘Dear Dr. Girard,

You were kind enough to make a telephone attempt to help me control my appetite for sweets. I can’t tell you how successful it has been. A cookie tastes like straw. Home-made preserves tasted first salty and then bitter, as did a piece of strawberry shortcake last evening. I am delighted and deeply grateful…

(S) Myriam'

At U.S.C., Myriam enthusiastically said that she has already shed more than thirty of the forty pounds she had previously put on...and expected to be back at her normal weight level, which he had kept for more than a quarter of a century, by the end of that month...(and advised me later that she easily made it!) :o)

More importantly, as the excess pounds melted away and the weight came down, her spirits and moods went up...her mental attitude became optimistic...her eyes sparkled
as she smiled genuinely and warmly once more...Life was liveable again!

In your own case, since you know ‘what’ is your alimentary nemesis…use the same exact technique that worked so well for Myriam with ice cream…and shed...shed... shed... those pounds of excess fat, fluids and flab… And, guess what?...NO ‘will power’ needed! :o)



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