Saturday, March 31, 2007


PLEASE NOTE: You are about to read terminologies, descriptives, and learn new, perhaps "strange sounding" data unknown to you. I strongly recommend that you peruse everything in-depth anyway. It will all make more sense and "fall into place" like pieces of a puzzle as you progress through this entire discourse and read further details!

Many of the following were coined by me after much conscientious research to find the most descriptive terms possible for the thoroughly tested exercises comprising our S.L.I.M. For Life © and The I.D.S. (Inner Dimensions Seminars) ©… So: please do not be disappointed if they do not sound familiar, or you haven’t heard them before. They have existed all along, and belong to the perpetual chain of events, knowledge, discoveries and wisdom also called the Universe, the Ether, as testified by Aristotle’s quotations at the start of this Introduction.

Self-produced; self-generated (autogenic therapy); independent ; self-regulated’ self-controlled.

Self-governing; without outside control; spontaneous; existing, responding or reacting independently of the whole or any other organism (biology); autonomic.

A network of nerves and fibers in the spinal column that stimulates and controls the functions of all body tissues and organs not subject to voluntary control, such as: the heart, blood vessels, smooth muscle, glands, stomach, intestines… Autonomic nervous system…(controlled and regulated by the Subconscious Theta brain waves... further explained below)

(Music) : A passing of one tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression; the harmonious use of language, as in poetry or prose; the use of a particular intonation or inflection of the voice; act or process of changing from one key to another, especially without break in the melody or chord succession.

(Telecommunications) : The process of varying the frequency, amplitude, intensity or phase of a carrier wave so as to conform with a transmitted signal wave.
The S.L.I.M. For Life Modulation © is a deep, meditative, dynamic exercise for relaxation, reconstructive autogenic (self-hypnotic) induction; the mastery of effective and productive auto-suggestion and guided imagery (visualizations), with the ultimate goals being the attaining and maintaining of all your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and material needs, wants and sincere desires.

The Modulation empowers you to channel conscious β (Beta) brain waves to autonomously gain free access to the Inner Dimensions of Mind (the slow α (Alpha) subconscious brain waves and cells). And, within a matter of HOURS of training and consistent practice of our proprietary exclusive techniques, to start experiencing the many benefits from the slower still, innermost θ (Theta) brain waves.

This dynamic enables you to autogenically program, deprogram,control, direct, re-direct and cause the effectuation of dramatic breakthroughs and positive transformations in your health, the quality of your life, as well as in the conditions and circumstances affecting your personal universe.

As in music, radio and telecommunications, the Modulations help trigger the alteration of subliminal brain wave frequencies, to slow them down voluntarily and to trap their vast resources through a systematic network of specific signals, guided imagery, language and autogenically controlled instructions…

Benefits include the awakening of genius, inspiration, enlightenment, amazing creativity, intuitive decision making as well as control of the autonomous organs and nervous system. And, with the advent of high awareness, most dramatic is the development of accurate, dynamic, self-and extra-healing, energized by newly developed psychic powers and abilities.

A very "special", personal place that, when you mentally fix on it, brings you immediate feelings of peace, quiet, relaxation, serenity, well-being and security.

This can be a familiar place in which you have actually spent time, or a paradisic place you have seen in a photo or a film and wish you could "visit" for R & R, or a place you have created in your imagination.

Either produces instantaneous soothing and appeasement to your mind and senses, and gives you a warm, safe, comfortable, happy feeling all over.

You can choose to have more than one such Peaceful Retreat to relax in or "escape to" during your Modulations. Then, select the one you prefer to visit each time you do a Modulation. You also may "visit" them all, one at a time, if you wish. However, for the sake of avoiding unsettling activity, "one" is recommended.(To be continued)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Love this DOCTOR!!!!


Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... Don't waste them on exercise . Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.


Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and Corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.


Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?

A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms Up!


Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc


Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?

A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good!


Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

A: You're not listening....Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be had for you?


Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.


Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO Cocoa beans! Another vegetable. It's the best feel-good food around!!


Q: Is swimming good for your figure?

A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.


Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?

A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape! !


Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.

And remember:
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "WOO HOO, What A Ride!"


Sorry, my friends, I didn't get a link or email address for this EXPERT :o)...Just this priceless bit of "comedy relief" in the absence of scientic evidence !

While this sort of "wishful thinking" may be amusing...worse yet: acceptable by some "Large" folks who may actually be practicing the above, it was just a farcical email I received from a humorous friend...


Monday, March 26, 2007

...And, in conclusion...

Another one of my communications techniques is also "repetition". I use it to make or reinforce points and issues of importance. There is an old adage in psychology that says that "there is truth in repetition".

This truism was unfortunately picked up and used with great success by Hitler’s monstrous but brilliant Psychiatrist and Propaganda Minister, Dr. Joseph Paul Goebbels.

He succeeded in using it in his frequent "mass-brainwashing" of large groups... masses of listeners...going as far as "convincing" hordes of Jews that they and their people were indeed responsible for all the evils of World War II, thus deserved to pay the price by perishing in the Nazi concentration camps’ gas ovens. He even got them to energetically sing "bouncy" songs as they marched to their final " delousing shower" and horrible demise.

Goebbles "taught" the world by the verifiable, frightening efficiency of his theory that REPETITION Works with great accuracy. "REPEAT a statement...ANY statement, even a LIE, often enough, and it begins to become accepted as the TRUTH in the mind of the listener(s)", he would brag to his co-conspirators of the Jewish "final solution" plans. This Master of Wickedness' far reaching impact was reflected in the mass extermination of millions by his " S.S." Nazi death squads.

It would seem that the first group to utilize his powerful techniques was the American Advertising Industry. Many of its Agencies began to experiment with it, in particular, to promote cigarettes ("How many times can you include the word ‘CAMEL’ in their :30 [30 seconds] radio commercials?"), soon followed by Coca Cola, Pepsi and then, just about every large Company out to influence and "brainwash" the masses... The rest is history.

While I, too, endorse this efficient system, I want to reassure you, dear Reader, by strongly emphasizing that I do so and strictly use it in connection with Good, Truth, Beneficial, Positive, Helpful, Constructive and Health-promoting statements, facts, ideas, techniques and the like!

Furthermore, I shall bring up again and again the inherent dangers in failing to mentally "protect" yourself from allowing various outside negative influences to penetrate and ill-affect your sub-conscious brain cells...and demonstrate why and how negative thinking is as easy to influence your behavior patterns as is the positive, and, of course, I instruct how to do this productively.

As a classical illustration of my insistence on clarity, transparency, and avoidance of pontification, of misleading, confusing, ambiguous "deep dark abstract secrets and mysteries", such as are commonly performed in (too many) Cults and Religions...I explain that, whenever I end important segments of my Seminars or Modulations (SEE: Glossary, to be posted in the near future) with: ‘..And This Is Definitely So!’, it is another (positive) application of repetition and a reminder that these are also the first letters of one of my acronym-titles (The I.D.S.: The Inner Dimension Seminars ©).

P.S.: I invite you, my dear Reader, to feel free to send me any/all related questions, as you read on and they occur to you...the 4 "C"s: comments, concerns, criticisms...even complaints to: or enter them in this Blog. 'till next time...

Your Friend,


Sunday, March 25, 2007

More about my writing and public speaking style...

I occasionally enervate a few impatient individuals who demand and expect "instant gratification". You know: "skip the blah, blah and get to the point" types who want only to give piano concerts at Carnegie Hall, yet are too impatient, lazy, undisciplined or immature to acknowledge the fundamental necessity for extensive music lessons, training, rehearsals, preparation, laying the ground work, plowing the soil... I simply urge them to bear with me, as they will soon enjoy "smoothly rolling along" while deriving Many Rewarding Benefits!

During live presentations, these are the individuals who frequently clear their throats, cough, shift around in their seats like hyper little kids who need to "go potty", choose to allow themselves to become distracted by unrelated thoughts flashing through their restless conscious minds (a common occurrence I like to compare to "a drunken monkey stung by a scorpion").:o)

Those truly dedicated and intent on accomplishing the ultimate purposes for which they agreed to enroll in my trainings and attend them, fully appreciated, actually enjoyed and patiently "followed" my discourses with great ease and reported amazing results.

Rather than skim through my sessions using speedier methods, skipping essential details in order to get to the "bottom line" as quickly as possible, I choose to approach each and every topic (especially the "new" and potentially complex or controversial ones) with a gradual "peeling one thin layer at a time" carefully, systematically, gently exposing each, assuring complete understanding, then smoothly moving on to the next, then the next, and so on.

I achieve this by periodically "getting off track", as explained above, then return and close the circle of Clarity. This stratagem has been compared to an artist stepping away from the canvas to gain a better perspective. And, by inserting details into blank or undefined areas.

After years of perfecting this technique(*), it was conclusively shown that the detailed illustrations, clarifying methods, explanations, two-way discussions during each session left no doubts, questions or confusions behind when I'd move on to the next topic, level or issue.
(*) It is a rwo-step process: 1- didactic/ inter-active; 2- experiential, greatly aided by a Modulation related to the topic at hand.

This is also why, at the beginning of my Seminars or Trainings (and, in this case: Writings) I urge my audiences to please refrain from interrupting. Rather, to write down all questions, and I promise that every one will be answered satisfactorily after I am done. Notwithstanding that "impatient heckling" is rather inconsiderate, a bit rude, self-centered, and may become irritating and distracting to the other participants, it will, in the end, prove to have been unnecessary as, using the techniques I share with you herein, chances are that I will have "covered" and answered all questions before they arise anyway.

I had the privilege of seving as Chapter President of the coveted N.S.A. (National Speakers’ Association) whose roster of members ranks amongst the most elite, internationally renowned personalities : former American Presidents, high-ranking Government, Military and Corporate Executives as well as highly paid top seminar leaders.

As a noted Public Speaker much in demand myself, I daresay (quite humbly, rest assured!) that my methodology became compared by a successful, known comedian friend of mine, to the most effective way to get your laughs when you reach the punch line : using three key elements in story telling: 1- the introduction ("setting the stage"), 2- the "body" (the "meat") and 3- the conclusion ("punch line").

And, when the raconteur also has a good sense of timing (knowing or sensing when to take a brief "breath" [a musical measure])...break up sentences "for effect", or to create anticipation, break the monotony with voice modulations, keep up the momentum and making sure that (s)he does not leave out any explanatory details on the way to the punch-line...the desired climactic outburst of laughter may invariably be expected!

Whereas if the story teller were to succinctly or incompletely introduce the premise, skip some of the details within the body in order to rush to the finishing line in record is most likely that the audience of one or many will fail to find the humor at the end, as those "holes" in the story, the missing pieces of the puzzle will have created some degree of confusion. Instead of automatically bursting into the amused, appreciative, hearty guffaws at the story’s conclusion, they often "miss the point" and find themselves uncomfortably struggling to figure it all out, thus find their way out of the resulting fog searching for the "hah, hah" portion,(or fake a chuckle in order to avoid appearing stupid to those who are laughing).

This is when those brown noses, know: the "nice", "polite", "kind", "diplomatic" (you already know my own dictionary definition of these "$3.00 bills") serve as the spittoons of lousy joke or story tellers, oftentimes to bosses or superiors they feel obligated to flatter, causing forced laughter to echo through the room like an overflowing toilet. You’ll find some in every crowd...know what I mean?...(To be concluded tomorrow)...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

A quick course by Jacques Girard, Ph.D.: "About my writing and public speaking style and techniques."

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." -- (Edward R. Murrow, Journalist)

Although I studied, practiced and successfully mastered the "Art and Science" of Speaking ("Public" and within the area of conducting Seminars, Trainings, private consultations and the like) and writing my own researched materials and manuals, nevertheless I never got around to taking "formal" writing courses.

An excellent and "convenient" reason for this was "handed me" by a prominent Public personality who urged me not to learn the merchanics of professional writing,stating that he found my style, humor, timing, wit ( and many other flattering compliments ), dynamically displayed during the live Seminars I was conducting in person, so unique and refreshing that, to use "the mechanics: learned tricks, techniques, etc." would tend to water down "the charming essence of Jacques Girard, and represent a sad loss of individuality, thus: credibility"

He further insisted that, to be and sound like myself : real, transparent, honest, straight from the shoulder, real, sincere, "down to earth" with no regard to "diplomacy" ( which he agreed with my critique that the latter is but the first cousin of "hypocrisy": telling "them" what they want or prefer to hear rather than the true facts and what you truly feel and think ) was what had most impressed him.

He also praised the obvious conscientiousness with which I research, double-check, verify and test the authenticity of my facts, statements and results, so that I may feel confident that I only share reliable, dependable and helpful truisms.

He expressed with enthusiasm that, for me to " write exactly as I speak " may, at first, appear a bit unusual to the readers, but, as soon as they become familiar with my "style", they should soon become comfortable with it, relax and enjoy it.

Since he was not the only notable person to offer such complimentary remarks, I felt flattered and encouraged to "go for it": being 100% "myself", non-egotistically, and eager to share the Best, the essence of all I have painstakingly learned and gleaned over decades of study and practice.

First of all, let me tell you that I may appear to, or actually, "talk—talk—talk".
Another trait people have observed is that I/ my mind may (appear to) wander.
The latter are part of my "style". You will find that, although I periodically get off track, it is intentional, planned, for an important, ultimate, "bigger" purpose, and I always return to exactly where I left off ( before I so rudely interrupted myself ) and go on from there...:o)

The advantage being that I will have "filled in", explained, clarified points and issues which, otherwise, could easily have confused or left you in doubt, as would all cliff-hangers.

I have, over the years, spent enormous amounts of time on thorough, in-depth research and efforts to selectively coin words, sentences, even developed a vocabulary of my own, to supplement existing verbiage, which I will be sharing with you.

It is composed of words with, and for, specific purposes...also known as "word/ images", destined to produce within the subconscious regions of your brain "mini- explosions" of thoughts, ideas, pictures, visualizations enhanced by your own Imagination.(Albert Enstein had this framed expression hanging on the wall of his office, behind his desk: "Imagination is more powerful than Knowledge").

If this quick descriptive is not yet totally clear, please don’t be concerned. As we progress, please trust that any momentary "fog" will soon dissipate!

These word/images, of which I just spoke, are subtly included and intentionally positioned within my sentences to create subliminal images, pictures (still and moving), scenes, symbolisms and, more importantly, beneficial results.

It is a known scientific fact that the latter comprise "the preferred language" of the sub-conscious brain cells and networks of the "memory bank" and other essential subliminal regions that affect and drive our ongoing moment-by-moment, daily living experiences.

Thus: by addressing them in a tongue with which they are most familiar and "at home", rather than mere "words", tends to act as a short-cut between conscious or wilfull intentions, commands, instructions, goals and other messages we send into the subconscious...which, in turn, launches the desired responses and actions.

Better still: if word/images are used as dynamic triggers, as will be illustrated below, since the sub-conscious never sleeps nor ever gets tired (as opposed to the conscious part of the brain), this process will work for you day and night, even as you deeply sleep! (Contiunued tomorrow)...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...(The End)... (For Now) :o)

14- I like to compare the human body and its true needs to a vehicle. As it gets close to running out of gas, its warning light will so indicate, sending its driver to a service station of his/her choice to "gas up" (snack) or "fill up" (full meal). In the latter, the nozzle automatically "shuts off" with an unmistakable click. This is when you replace it upon the pump. (You have satisfied your hunger and bodily needs).For, if you attempt to "top it off", you will most likely spill and waste fuel all over the place (over-eat)...
So, I ask you: why is this so obvious to understand and accept in the case of cars and trucks when it is a constant struggle to do with ouer own bodies?

15- After years of agonizing, frustrating, disappointing, depressing, unsuccessful yo-yo, revolving door dieting, you can finally begin to enjoy the peace of mind and justified pride of "having done it YOURSELF"… as YOU remain in FULL CONTROL at ALL times !

WE merely serve as your "tour guides" who considerately, with professional responsibility, caring and pride, gently "take you by the hand", support and nurture you as they show you how to smoothly, effortlessly, and safely reach your desired destination: your ideal weight and measurements Goals: A "NEW YOU" which you can sustain and maintain for as long as you sincerely desire to remain S.L.I.M. For Life © !…and This Is Definitely So! (*)

FYI: well past my middle-years, I periodically purposely cause myself to gain up tp 20-25 lbs. by gorging myself and committing gluttony on my own delicious cooking (no humility here! :o))...

…then, without going into any special dieting mode or food and drink restrictions, I simply practice what I teach in my S.L.I.M. For Life © Program...and, within a few short weeks, I am back to the weight and shape "normal" and comfortable for me: the same weight I have had since I was half my age!

Another proof that "once you start getting older, it gets hard or imposible to get rid of excess weight", as claim the ‘Experts’ about whom I shall have a lot to say in periodic future posts, is just another "pile of poop"..."accurate" only to the masses who believe in it. (Apparently, I resigned from that misled group ages ago).

Believe one who has tried it. (Virgil, Roman poet)

(*) In case you wondered what that affirmation I use at the end of meaningful paragraphs (...and This Is Definitely So!) is all about: it just happens to fit perfectly with " The I.D.S. " acronym for my " The Inner Dimensions Seminars ". Mystery solved...Have a Great weekend !

Your Friend,


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Comparing apples with apples..(Day Five)

10- …And the pounds of fatty flab come off…and the pounds come off…Every Second of Every Minute of Every Hour of Every Day and Night (YES! Even as you peacefully and restfully sleep deeply with the help of your S.L.I.M. For Life © nighttime Modulation audiotape or CD)…Most importantly: without any loss of lean muscle mass or bone density!...Only your ugly, unhealthy, unwanted and certainly unneeded excess fat and inches melt away, while your energy levels, overall wellness, vitality, sexuality and happy moods gradually increase...

And let’s not forget your perked up improved good looks!...After which, you maintain this wonderful state of your ideal weight, shape, measurements and well-being…All your previous excess fatty deposits and bulk are constantly being kept in check autogenically by your Powerful Subconscious "National Guard" day and night!…You Feel and Are Beautful…inside/out!

The great Aristotle wrote that "Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference" a couple of thousand years ago (384-322 B.C.) in the days when attractive Greek women...Godesses and Gods started making history and still are… And now, you too can join the Inner Circle of the privileged modern "Beautiful People: the Gods and Godesses of society"…

11- WE never "bad-mouth", prohibit, limit, restrict, render you guilty about any kinds of foods or beverages, directly or by inference in any part of our Trainings!...

You never again shall need to consciously think, plan, concern yourself with any form of agonizing privation "dieting", calorie counting or other traumatic taboos!.. From the time you start learning and practicing our amazing, simple, totally safe techniques...far more natural than "health foods or herbal remedies".

Your Powerful..All-knowing Subconscious Brain cells will automatically take over those bothersome but most important responsibilities for you!

All YOU need to do is learn to trust your Higher Self and its totally accurate "Inner Voice messages" custom-designed by you..exclusively for you ! ’LISTEN to, and comply with the instinctive feelings ("messages") you will be receiving ...without any strain, and LET your life become simple, free, healthy, fun, happy and fulfilled!

12- We invite you and/or any qualified Health Professional of your choice to listen to your S.L.I.M. For Life (c) recorded casette tape or CD in your waking state. Pay special attention to the exact language used to effectuate your desired beneficial results. Verify, ascertain and satisfy yourself that our lastingly effective methods are strictly "above-board", utterly safe, positive, constructive, simple, strictly ethical and highly professional.

13- Your all-Powerful "Inner Knowledge and Wisdom Center": your own "Ether" will gently, firmly and clearly let you know (silently, yet, "in no uncertain terms") when your body will have received sufficient nourishment and alimentary benefits from the precise foods and drinks "it" will autogenically (Self-induced and controlled) inspire you to truly "Feel Like" having (Never "driven" by that super-neurotic "Monster" whose destructive weapons are the effects and ravages of those stressful hunger pangs and cravings). Your prior unhealthy, emotional cravings have been converted into healthy physical, "true" hunger pangs.

13- Furthermore, your subconscious-originated instincts will signal you when your true, physical (no longer anxious) hunger will have been satisfied... leaving you feeling great, comfortable, satiated, knowing that your system has absorbed, assimilated and metabolized all the proper nutrients essential for you to gradually become S.L.I.M. For Life © ! ( To be concluded tomorrow )

Comparing apples with apples...(Day Four)

Coming back to the our examination of of your "weight management" concerns...

Can you remember all the situations when you said to yourself you would do anything to get rid of your fastly growing pounds of fat? Happily, now, no big price needs to be paid. With our earth-shaking pounds-melting techniques, you can achieve naturally a health, wellness lifestyle and the slender figure of your dreams!

Obesity kills more and more people every year. We know you hate the extra pounds, the unflatering appearance and the social stigmata attached to fat people. Moreover, you can barely do anything about the addiction to high-fat and sugary temptations. Does this all sound familiar? Then we have Good News for you!

Our S.L.I.M. For Life (c) Modulations help your brain understand you don't need that much food. They improve your mood, give you energy and attack obesity. They also motivate you, even if you tend to be rather lethargic, to actually feel like getting off the couch and start a doable exercise program... all thanks to the powerful autogenic stimuli of our comprehensive system!

You will soon find that "for some strange reason" many foods labeled "junk","fast" and other fatty, fattening ones... sweets, sodas, dishes that you have voraciously, customarily been downing out of sheer nervous habit, driven by feelings of frustration or revenge... are mysteriously beginning to gradually lose their glitter and attractive charms... leaving you "cold" and uninterested now (like taking a second hard look at a friend or mate in whom you lost interest...asking yourself, "What on earth did I ever see in him/her?").

And, once you non-consciously lose your cravings, your interest, your attraction and your needs for your former "obsessive" foods and beverages, the rest is simple, as you will see!...

7- At mealtimes, once you instinctively stop eating, after having consumed less...far less than has been your "routine"... you may even become totally "turned off" to many present "addictions" which your subconscious brain’s pool of timeless, Universal Knowledge and Wisdom factually recognizes and identifies as being the culprits for your excess fat, weight and inches.

The best part of it is that : ALL this takes place totally by itself automatically, WITHOUT any further need on your part to agonize over the "How, How Much and When to’s!", Day And Night!

8- You now experience being pleasantly full, satiated, NO LONGER uncomfortbaly "overstuffed", which used to be the norm. Without any discomfort, without feeling like a victim or a martyr, you find yourself guiltlessly (and a bit proudly) and gladly leaving food on your plate, possibly for the first time ever, or in ages. Rather, you feel good about it. And, if you are "into" not wasting good food, (if you are eating out) you can always "doggy bag" the leftovers, or (at home) safely package and refrigerate or freeze them for another occasion.

9- You also find that you are starting to eat more slowly, non-neurotically, not avidly, voraciously, hurriedly, desperately gobbling down your food and drink as if you just heard on the news that enemy forces have landed and "this may be your last chance to eat for a while" :o)

You notice yourself placing smaller amounts of food on your fork and into your mouth than you used to before. You chew more thoroughly and, generally, adopt more "civilized, educated and cultured" table more calmly, leisurely, relaxed, and enjoy so doing since you now also savor each bite, every mouthful of your meals! (It is generally known that the voracious style of eating "comes with the territory" of over-eaters. If you are the exception to the rule, please accept my apologies.) :o)...
(More manana)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Comparing apples with apples... (Day Three)

5- Learn to trust implicitly and develop Unconditional Confidence in your own "Inner Voice", which is that of your "Higher Self". Listen to the Timeless Knowledge of the ages, of the Ether… "Go with It"… surrender yourself to it completely in full trust and "blind faith". This process is comparable to "Reborn Christians" surrendering their Life to Jesus...

As a scientist, the more I study and learn about the physiology of the human brain, and more particularly the workings of the subconscious "right brain", the more I am convinced that Whoever or Whatever "God" is: He/She/It has deposited a seed of Him/Her/ It Self into our Powerful Subconscious brain cells, to do with as we see fit. With NO restrictions.

Thus, these "God-given Powers" can be used to perform virtual miracles in our lives and the lives of others, for the Good or for the Bad. WE are in control...And, yes! part of these awesome abilities CAN cure even "terminal" illnesses and diseases or choose to hurt, damage , even kill ourselves, either by free will or by sustained negative thoughts, feelings and intentions. This is one of the awesome abilities I teach my "graduates" to use for strictly positive, constructive and uplifting purposes.

Later on, I'll be sharing with you illustrations of some amazing events where I was privileged to help patients of mine - diagnosed to have "terminal cancers" - terminate them permanently. That's right: complete cures, not temporary remissions!... And so, will you now label me the Terminator No. Two? :o)

What's more: I was also given to perform such "miracles" on myself. The most dramatic one was when a set of tomographic X-Rays clearly indicated that I had a goose-egg-sized tumor on my right lung, was told by my top specialist that I needed to "go into major surgery within three weeks or less...or it could could spread and kill me". This took place on a Thursday, and Dr. S. wanted me in the O/R the following Monday. I asked for "a few more days to straighten out some personal matters".

Having successfully helped many others, I believed it was time to practice the old adage, "Healer, Heal ThySelf!". I decided to write and record a deep Modulation that I used to "put me under" three times a daily: first thing in the morning and at bed time, while in that pre-sleep "twighlight", and I'd also isolate myself in mid-day.

On the morning of the thirteenth day, I awoke and, for the first time in weeks, could deep breathe again (the pain of the tumor had been causing me to shallow-breathe)...I went in to get a "quick" X-Ray of my right lung. The Radiologist, whom I knew, was astounded to find that not only was the tumor gone, but heavy tar deposits from my "3-packs-per-day smoking days" that showed on the Tomography set of exposures, also were gone! He called my Doctor a "Genius" for achieving such an unprecedented feat without resorting to removing extensive lung tissue, or even the entire lung, as he understood was my Specialist's prognosis.

I had already successfully side-stepped one basic rule (have an X-Ray taken without the Physician's written prescription, which I claimed I inadvertently left home). From the proverbial finger, I went for the entire arm and asked the Radiologist to hand me the whole set of tomography pictures along with that morning's X-Ray. He reluctantly complied, indicating that these would need to be returned after my visit to the Physician's office, where I was headed.

When I showed up there without an appointment, Dr. S. thought that I came in to make arrangements for the surgery. Upon being presented with the X-Rays and viewing the "X-Ray du jour" dated that same day, the puzzled Doctor asked what was going on?

After devulging what I had done, leading to this happy (for moi! :o)) conclusion (for him, I would have had to refinance my home + expect to pay about $30,000.00 on top of my insurance coverage!:)...I simply asked him for a written statement on his letterhead about this "odd situation", stipulating that, less than two weeks earlier, in consultation with two colleagues, it was agreed that I had a cancerous tumor which was now GONE!

Since I was, then, the State of California's President of my Clinical Hypnotherapists' Asociation, as a fellow-healer, I believed that, as a professional courtesy, he would have gladly obliged. He did not, rationalizing that, "after all, until we remove the tumor and have it could have been benign, or even an inflammation!". Yet, when, on that Thursday, he unhesitently insisted that he and his consultants agreed that I had the "Big C"!

Bottom line: I never returned the X-Rays to the Lab. and propose to use them to present scientific evidence at a future seminar on the subject of my own "Mind over Matter" experiences, techniques and track record.

It is one thing to verbalize such dramatic autogenic "Miracles". And a rare opportunity to be able to present physical proof of the irrrefutable veracity of all the statements and claims I wholeheartedly make and practice about the utter magnificence and awesome capabilities of that "Gift from God" which we call the Subconscious Brain! ...and This Is Definitely So! (More tomorrow).

Monday, March 19, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...(Day Two)

4- Every second of every minute of every hour, this subconscious activity stimulated by the daily practice of our Modulations will ultimately trigger its effective, exciting results autogenically (unconsciously...automatically: self-induced and self-cotrolled with you in control!) while gradually depressing your emotions-originated hunger pangs, sugar and other counterfeit cravings "zones".

Soon, your subconscious, tapping its endless resources of universal knowledge and information will instinctively, effortlessly "tell" and motivate you what, when, how much to consume, and at which point to gladly, autogenically STOP.

Never again will you consciously need to agonize, concern and pressure yourself about food and drink, or all those stressful restrictions and taboos imposed by all "diets" (half a slice of this... 2 ounces of that...None of the other, etc…etc…). NO MORE rules of (de)privation diets that render you neurotic, angry, depressed, frustrated, resentful and anxious…nor "dreaming" and obsessing (like being deeply in love or in hate) about all those "forbidden fruits" that you crave and longingly envy those who can "pig out" on them without any adverse results such as gaining weight...

NO MORE going around feeling hungry all the time, since your "Inner Voice" which accurately knows and will let you know exactly when your system has been pleasantly satiated!

Meanwhile, on the conscious dimension, we tell you that, from the very moment you start learning our simple, dynamic and totally safe methods (since they come naturally from within you, as opposed to "synthetically induced") : "You May Eat and Drink Anything you like, including All your Favorites...As Much As You Like...Any Time You Like!…SO LONG AS YOU FAITHFULLY LISTEN TO YOUR RECORDED MODULATIONS 2-3 TIMES DAILY"…

...For, if you only open your mouth to gorge…keep "sneaking fat-laden, greasy, salty, sugary snacks and other junk foods", keep packing the weight (as few as "just 100 extra calories per day = 10 extra lbs. per year!")…but you do not open your ears to listen to and absorb the vital training in your Modulations…there’s gonna be a virtual "flabalanche" in your house! :o)

Nothing could be easier, more pleasant and safe than simply listening to our audio tapes, especially since you are fully aware of what they contain, and what they can help you to achieve and feel good about it!... (More tomorrow...)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Comparing apples with apples...

Before you launch onto more frustrating, ineffective, disappointing, costly (in monies, time and possibly health), new or fad diets, I urge you to consider carefully the following breakdown of the main features of our "S4L": short for S.L.I.M. For Life (c).

Do some free of charge "comparison shopping", a reality check of comparing "Subliminal" Weight Loss tapes/CDs with what S.L.I.M. For Life © has to offer (including Fully Guaranteed Satisfaction, or Full Refund…and a long track record of successful outcomes with lasting benefits). Check other "weight loss" programs' claims, tempting offers, "promises", clever advertisements and other motivators to send you reaching for your wallet or credit card holder.

To start with, benefiting from the NO dieting, NO pills or shots, NO backbreaking exercising, simple daily practice laid out for you by the S.L.I.M. For Life (c) techniques...once you actually see, feel, acknowledge your own initial signs of steady progress, followed by easy, comfortable and permanent maintenance, it’s like a snowball rolling simply can’t be STOPPED!


1- NONE of our S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations © (the title we coined for our original, proprietary, deep self-hypnotic inductive exercises) recorded on our audio-tapes and/or CDs use the "subliminal" technology.

In the latter, the Hypnotist’s voice is inaudible: only sounds, such as music, ocean waves, etc. are heard… which may be pleasant and soothing…but the listener (You) has NO idea WHAT is actually being "fed into" your extremely receptive, thus vulnerable, Subconscious Memory Bank...even if/when the audio cassette or CD is accompanied by a "transcript" of the text, which is hard-to-impossible to verify (since it cannot be heard when listening to the recording in your waking state of mind!).


Once "inside": ALL which is allowed to infiltrate and penetrate into your subconscious brain (as fully explained in our section on the BRAIN) stays there permanently. If the data which is allowed to infiltrate is being dispensed by a less than formally trained and Certified Professional who is totaly ethical, conscientious, dedicated and could contain counter-productive, potentially harmful, self-defeating and other negative influences. Your thinking, feelings, speach, behavior patterns and consequential manifestations could be affected (or ill-affected)… for life!

NOTE: We are NOT saying or implying that this IS the case with ALL "subliminal’" weight loss tapes. However , without "really knowing" or being able to hear every word of WHAT IS being said to you: who can tell whether negative elements are present and, if so, to what degree you may be risking getting harmed? And, after all, to some people, "some mistakes are too much fun to make only once"… so a "domino effect" of problems could, conceivably, result.

2- In our taped Modulations, you hear every word, every nuance, every inductive direction (our formula for facilitating successful and easy self-hypnosis) : word/images, sentences used to guide you and gently help you relax and drift off into that "special place" of your choice…and obtain all the results which you desire and seek to attain.

3- Repeated instructions are given to your subconscious mind to start the healthy, beneficial, safe process of activating your subconscious brain-controlled metabolism, to speed up the burning off all excess, unwanted, unhealthy, unsightly fat, calories and inches…day and night!

Best of all: without any drugs, herbal remedies, supplements and other "quick-fix" pills, capsules or potions of questionable effectiveness and safety, such as are constantly being "pushed" at high cost and risk (*)

Did you know that ALL of these that do work, and many that haven’t yet been "invented" and produced by Pharmaceutical Companies, already exist and have been available for ages "Direct" from your Subconscious Brain’s Advanced Laboratories!

If and When you Need any of them you will find that your Brain’s endless and timeless resources will automatically release into your system its necessities the proper strength and amounts... FREE of charge (and the headaches of seeking a refund are no longer needed) through the practiced applications of your S.L.I.M. For Life Modulations ©...and This Is Definitely So!

(*) In July, 2004, a shocking "FLASH!" was sent throughout the Media: The ‘famous’ multi-million $$ in monthly sales MetaboLife is but the latest in a series of diet potions ordered off the market by U.S. Consumer Protection Agencies…and its Founder, Michael Ellis indicted for criminal misrepresentation : denying and withholding on the label’s ingredients list the fact that his world-renowned and advertised as "safe" product actually contains Ephedra : a dangerous and potentially lethal chemical banned by the FDA pursuant to several deaths, including that of athletes and otherwise "healthy" individuals’ abreactions to the drug...(More in our next Post)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Comfort Room

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

How a grandmother's bed provides respite from thunderstorms and lifestorms.
By Mayo Mathers (Reprinted from "Treasures for Women Who Hope," with permission of Thomas Nelson.)

"Is your Comfort Room available next weekend?" The voice of my friend on the telephone sounded weary and faint. "I could sure use a respite."

I smiled, assuring her it was. Hanging up the phone, I walked down the hall to the room she'd inquired about. The Comfort Room developed quite by accident, but there is no doubt in my mind that the people who stay here are no accident at all. God brings them to us when they're most in need of comfort.
I looked around the room, running my hand lightly across the soothing pattern of the wallpaper. Walking over to the antique bed, I stretched out across the quilt with its blue and white wedding ring pattern and luxuriated in the familiar sense of comfort that settled over me like a feathery eiderdown.

My earliest memory of the bed goes back to when I was three years old. My parents had just brought my new baby sister to Grandma's house where I'd been staying. As Mom laid her on the bed, I stood on my tiptoes, eagerly peeking over the high mattress to catch a glimpse of her.

For as long as I can remember, the bed and its accompanying dresser and dressing table occupied what had once been the parlor of my grandparents' large Missouri farmhouse. During those long-ago summers, when all the grandchildren visited, "taking turns" was the order of the day. We took turns on the porch swing, took turns on the bicycle, and even took turns at the chores. But there was no taking turns when it came to sleeping in Grandma's bed. Even on hot, smothery, summer nights she let us all pile in around her at once. Our sweaty little bodies stuck happily together as we listened to Grandma's beloved stories of the "olden days" until one by one, we fell asleep.

Those well-spun tales gave me a strong sense of family identity, pride, and comfort. And I needed plenty of comfort when clouds started building in the summery blue skies that stretched over the corn fields surrounding the farm. How I dreaded the wild, crashing, earsplitting mid-western thunderstorms that resulted from those massive clouds!

Standing at the window, I'd watch the lightning flashes intensify across the sky and count the seconds until I heard the low growl of thunder. Grandma told me that was how to tell how many miles away the storm was.

I hated nighttime storms the most—when I'd have to go upstairs to my bedroom, up even closer to the storm. Sleep was impossible. As the jagged slashes grew more brilliant, the time between the stab of lightning and the crash of thunder grew less and less.

Then suddenly, FLASH! KA-A-A-BOOM! The light and sound came as one! The storm was here! Right on top of me!... At that point, I'd leap from the bed, and with my sister close behind, we'd slam into our brother in the hallway. The three of us tore down the stairs as one.

Hearing our pounding feet, Grandma would already be scooted over in bed with the covers thrown back for us. We plowed beneath them, scrunching up as close to her as we could. While the thunder shook and rattled the house, she'd jump dramatically and exclaim, "Whew! That one made my whiskers grow!" And from under the pillows where we'd buried our heads, we couldn't help but giggle. In Grandma's bed we were always comforted.
There I found comfort not only from thunderstorms but from lifestorms as well. Hurt feelings, broken hearts, insecurities—all were mended there. When I was lucky enough to have Grandma to myself in her bed—which wasn't often—I'd tell her all my deepest secrets, knowing she took them very seriously.
When my father, her son, died of cancer, I was eight years old. On that last night of his life, instead of spending those moments with him in the hospital, Grandma gathered me into her bed. Curling her body around mine, she infused me with comfort I didn't yet know I needed. ..

…In college, when a broken engagement had crushed my heart and hopes, she comforted me by saying, ‘The pathway to love never runs smooth, honey, but you'll find your way when it's right.’ Four years later, her prediction came true.

Shortly after my wedding, Grandma died, bringing an end to the unlimited source of love and comfort that I knew could never be replaced, the kind that only comes from a grandmother.

The years melted away with startling speed. Caught up in the happy frenzy of raising our two sons, I rarely thought of the bedroom set stuck away in the attic. There was too much present to think of the past. Before I knew it, our firstborn was packing his belongings to move on to a new phase of life.

The day Tyler left, I went into his empty room and sat down in the middle of the floor while memory after memory scurried up to tap me on the shoulder. His leave-taking had been more wrenching than I had anticipated. Inside the echoes of the room I tried to come to grips with the door that had just closed on my life.

Quite abruptly, a thought came to mind. I raised my head and looked around my son's room with new eyes. I finally had room for Grandma's bedroom set!

For the next two weeks I worked on the room, lovingly choosing paint, wallpaper, and pictures. Frequent tears splashed into the paint tray as I pondered all the different seasons one passes through in a lifetime. When the painting and papering were done, my husband lugged the bedroom set down from the attic and helped me arrange it in the room. I stopped to consider the completed result and was drawn to the bed where I let my fingers trace around the grooves in the curved footboard of the wonderful old treasure. As I sat quietly, a familiar feeling begged to embrace me—the same feeling I'd had as a child with Grandma beside me in the bed. It was as if she were in the room with me right then comforting me in this new stage of life I was entering.

Right then I christened it the "Comfort Room." From where I sat I prayed, "Lord I hope everyone who stays in this room can feel the comfort I'm feeling now. Bring people to us who need the comfort."

Our first guest in the Comfort Room was a friend who'd just lost her brother and two close friends to death. Next was a couple who were at a transition point in their life, not sure which direction to go. Then a young cousin arrived in need of a temporary home and an out-of-town-uncle whose wife was flown to our medical center following a severe heart attack. From the day it was completed, God has seen to it that the Comfort room is well used.

There is one guest, however, whose arrival I most anticipate. I'm waiting for the day when my son will return and bring with him a grandchild. Then I will be the grandma snuggling up with my grandchild in that old bed. I'll be the one spinning stories of the "olden days." And I'll offer to them what my grandma gave to me—unending comfort, unlimited love…

About the Author: SEE "ABOUT ME" PROFILE
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Would you like to create YOUR OWN BLOG---FREE?

Hello again!

Yes! you read correctly!...Create Your Own FREE Blog! just a small part of what I can help you achieve, simply by clicking on the links ending with "spirou" at the bottom of my last post...

...Then, by calmly reading through all the rich information from my brilliant and successful friends Paul Birdsall and Joel Broughton, and listening to all the audio buttons...and do as I did after the latter: giving them my vote of confidence.

You will also learn how to implement a fun and remunerative income on the Internet, starting with your own Web site(s), Domain name(s), exclusive/personalized Email address(es), and more... for FREE or practically nothing!

If any of the above interests you, or even got your attention: I highly recommend that you follow through and join a fast growing community of honest, productive, successful people from all walks of life and excited about the Good "life" (Yes! "weight" is but one of its components).

You can have a lot of fun while building life-long income streams either part or full time: YOU decide and are "the boss!", yet with a dynamic group of caring, dedicated, sincere, capable individuals RWA (Ready, Willing and Able) to assist, guide and support you every step of the way...whether you are totally new at this or have any degree of experience!

This is one of the main reasons why, once I perused in-depth all their materials, checked into the background of the individuals and organizations involved, developed questions...

...I called and left a message for Paul (in Canada), who promptly personally responded and placed a three-way call between my own "sponsor" (in NewMexico), me (South of San Diego, CA.) and himself...then patiently listened and thoroughly answered each and every question, addressed all my concerns to my complete satisfaction...

...After which, I could not wait to "Go for it" (FYI: I am not naturally enclined to do so outside of my field of endeavor and "comfort zone"). So, rest assured that all this is 'REAL", ethical, moral, legal and potentially Very Profitable. More to come on this and S.L.I.M. For Life (c) issues...

Any questions? Feel free to post it/them herein or Email me:

Your Friend,


I bought my dream house with this system in 21 weeks

Dear friends,

Although you may wonder what "this" is doing in my S.L.I.M. For Life (c) Blog, let me simply say that, to supplement my cash flow to help finance some of my Humanitarian projects, I took the advice of a Friend a while back, and I am glad I did, as the title indicates.

Here is exactly how you can do it too... Take part in our new program and send us your testimonial, and we will help you slam more visitors than you have ever seen.

Come see the 64 year old father and husband that does not need his pension 1 month after starting with this system. See for yourself how a family who never made one dime on the Internet now has more money than they dreamed of... in only 10 weeks.

We'll Prove it all to you and never charge you a penny for you to get started!
Don't miss this. Don't stop yourself from being one of the"Successful" Rich people on the net.

Simply Click on the link to get it all, and Don't miss out,being one of the next 47 to get in on the FREE offer! I know you are going to love this program, and I will anxiously wait to hear about how your life starts changing for the better with all new money you are going to be making!

To be Healthier, Slimmer and Wealthier can only be Good, Right?

Do look into this and try it out for FREE. I wish you all the Best!


Saturday, March 10, 2007

All right...LET'S GET SERIOUS!

After months and months of agonizing over privation diets, calorie-counting, weighing minute portions and Lilliputian size "meals"...

...In a Restaurant..did you ever sneak furtive looks at ‘forbidden’ foods you longingly spy on some lucky body’s plate sitting at the next table?..It’s one of your favorite dishes and you could just kill for a taste of it…True?...

How many times have you walked around famished and gone to bed feeling so hungry ? Aren’t such episodes sheer torture?

Have you ever struggled with your will power… anxiously trying to find some semblance of that comforting..full...or even a tolerable feeling of barely being satified...but get plagued by the repeat, constant visits of those nagging cravings and the pinch of sharp hunger pangs?..

These are major forces which lead to binge eating and gorging yourself whenever you become emotional and "just can’t cope anymore"...throw in the towel and jump off that wagon...

This “eating disorder” syndrome behavior is just like many other substance abusers would do under like circumstances...and, to boot, even if you have also suffered the aches and pains of strenuous, backbreaking exercises, added angers set in...After which, you may find yourself regaining all the lost pounds, and more, of fat, fluid and flab for which you sacrificed and paid so much to "lose"!

I’m sure that you heard this before as well: "Diets DON’T Work!" (and, if/when they DO, at first, they simply DON’T LAST…they remind me of unstable relationships and so many shaky marriages)…yet, they keep the desperate.. befuddled..frustrated "sheep" coming back for more.. "trying" one Diet plan or pill or patch after another…and only their wallet gets thinner!..

Joe E. Lewis said it best: "I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating and, in fourteen days, I had lost two weeks!"…

The worst part of this yo-yo..revolving door.. rollercoaster.. costly exercise in futility is that you don’t even earn a purple heart or medal of honor.. or mere public recognition and praise for having been a martyr..a hero.. a veteran of this hopeless version of the (in)famous Battle of the Bulge!

So, a great many "Xtra-Xtra Large" size wearers start shopping around for a "quick fix"... "Anything to get all those naggers and wise guys off my big back!”…and, after some investigations...hear about some ‘magic’ way to get thin..simply by listening to some affordable music tape with inaudible subliminal messages ("it really works", they say.) sounds good (pardon the pun)…about which Woody Allen said : "Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted"

NOT to "knock the competition" by any means…but as genuinely conscientious, honest, ethical and concerned Professionals, we felt obligated to caution the possibly uninformed, and a bit naïve amongst you to avoid being emotionally driven, motivated by despair to "high dive into that pool on sheer adrenalin...then, on the way down, noticed in horror that there is very little or no water at the bottom !"

Fortunately for you..if the worst thing that happens to you in this case is money down the drain. You would be getting off cheap if you come out of this tourbillion in relative good health..

Friday, March 09, 2007

"Weight Loss" claims and advertisements..

All right…you have just about every imaginable type of statement..claim.. guarantee..

They get you emotionally charged..euphorically daydreaming about those romantic sounding promises to give you that "thin figure" in no time at all…

They promise to make you "lose fifty lbs. this month" and speedily get you ready for the bikini season…

They raise your hopes and get you emotionally excited…

They cleverly paint believable pictures…

They stimulate your vulnerable imagination.. your desperate mindset... You mentally picture yourself becoming the next best thing to that glamorous model on the front cover of that magazine..or the glamorous entertainer you so admire and envy!

Just pop that pill..slap on that patch…go on that revolutionary new fad diet..and "instant gratification"can be yours!..The dream-come-true of every impatient, sedentary, often too weak-willed to exercise couch potato... The fantasy of overweight, obese individuals who'd love that some fairy godmother be inside a pill or potion and will wave her magic wand to "make it happen" for them Now!...Does any of these wishful delusions sound even vaguely familiar?...

The advertising and P.R. mavens of the"shmatte business"(the garment industry) have recently developed more palatable terms such as: "Full Sized".."Plus-Sized"..“Large", etc. with which to identify by kinder appellations their Fat, Bulky and Obese consumers.

While this diplomatic approach is less threatening or humiliating to their target audiences, it must be borne in mind that it also could tend to encourage, even invite dangerous denial.. escapism..unrealistic "sticking your head in the sand" camouflaging..covering up tactics that could keep you stuck in your present condition instead of moving forward with a personal plan to reduce the bulk, the guilt and the shame.

You know who you are!... So, if shedding those excess pounds of fat, flab and inches truly matters to on..keep returning to this, "Your Blog" frequently...

For here, you will find that we Do have the desired answers for you in a relatively simple, easy, totally fun and safe method!

Billions of Dollars are being spent weekly throughout the media, especially TV, to brainwash the naïve..the anxious.. the despondent..the gullible…to motivate them to rush to their wallets..whip out a credit card and "Order Now"..before the "high" of the promises of the Nirvana of Rapid Weight Loss and Fast Trimness dissipates…

..And, for those of you who are in a real hurry to "lose it"…let me tell you a good weight loss story I heard.. about Joe who told Bill that his wife had just dropped ten poundsJust like that! (snap of the fingers)...
‘How on earth did she do it?" asked Bill…to which Joe replied, "Her arm got so tired that she could no longer hold on to that plastic bagful of potatoes she was lugging in from the car…" :o)

If his potato story sounded like pure corn..well...they tell me that ‘corn sells!’…:o)

Just to prove it to all who are looking for a good diet…RELAX..! For, you're already ON one!:
A "Seafood diet"...You know!...’I SEE food…I EAT it!’… :o)

(And, don’t worry if you didn’t find my joke very funny…because I wanted to hear it again anyway )…:o)

Well, my dear friends..enough silliness for today...SO, get ready to get serious in upcoming posts !...

Your Friend,


The ETHER (a story from the Kabbala)

An ancient tale from the Kabbala best illustrates and simplifies a possible answer for this perpetual dilemma of ‘deja-vu’ which has puzzled generations…

Three-year-old Moyshele looked with anticipation to the turn of the road traveled daily by his older brother Chaim …This was late afternoon and Chaim was due to return home from the Yeshiva (Rabbinical Hebrew School)...

Moyshele always greeted him with an eager "What did you learn today?"... Chaim’s answers helped him make up for the fact that he was still considered too young to attend Yeshiva classes…

Chaim had a knack for posing insightful questions to the Rabbi… causing the conscientious teacher to search through the Scriptures...Torah..Kabbala...often for hours... Much to the delight and appreciation of all the students who, then, could play while their Master was seeking gems of ageless Wisdom…

One particular day, Chaim’s question was so deep and complex that it actually took the Rabbi the entire day to find an acceptable answer...He explained away his marathon investigations by simply stating to his flock that "the study of the Torah may be very hard, but is truly fulfilling!"

That afternoon, as Moyshele greeted his brother, the latter bragged about the difficulty of his daily question… When Moyshele asked "What was the question?" and Chaim told him...almost instantly, without much thought, Moyshele responded with an answer that was identical to that found by his scholarly Teacher!...

Amazed, he took his little genius of a brother in his arms and carried him home…

The next day, Chaim proudly bragged about Moyshele’s feat to the entire class. He then "rubbed it in" to the Rabbi and asked, "How come that it took you, who are a respected Scholar and Expert in Biblical studies, an entire day to come up with the exact same answer that my little three-year-old broher knew instantly, Rabbi?"…

Without any defensiveness or excuse-making, the Rabbi simply replied: "You see, my dear Chaim, there is such a thing as "the ETHER " in God’s Universe...It is an invisible area of the firmament above, into which every thought, every idea, every event, every discovery that ever occurred or was created in any field throughout the World since Time Immemorial is entered…

Here, the "gem" is filed..saved and becomes instantly available to any one of us who sincerely and humbly seeks it!...This is how, as I was privileged to find the answer to your perplexing question yesterday, after much seeking…it went straight into Heaven’s Library..the "Ethereal reservoir"…where Moyshele was able to find it instantly!..."

I thought of sharing this old traditional story with you, as a follow-up and charming illustration to my previous mention of the fact that, "if bits and pieces of what I am and shall be sharing with you 'sound familiar' to you: GREAT!"...Echoes of the past... so, enjoy...absorb...benefit! ...and Have a Great weekend!

Your Friend,


Thursday, March 08, 2007

THE I.D.S. and its benefits to you

The I.D.S.: The Inner Dimension Seminars ©…
as you read on...invites you, dear friends, to address any/all related questions as they occur to you, based on our articles, tips, "fireside chats", topics of interest, your own angsts.. the 4 ‘c’s: comments, concerns, criticisms..even complaints... by posting right here or sending a "private" email to: Either will provide you with a reasonably prompt personal response.

While this particular Blog focuses principally on "weight"and eating-related issues, please bear in mind that S.L.I.M. For Life (c) is a Division of our "Umbrella/Mother Organization" (The I.D.S.) founded in 1971.

Therefore, we shall expand the scope of information made available herein by tapping our vast resources: the archives, files, tapes, recordings of live events, manuals and other materials from the multitude of customized courses, trainings, seminars, talks, writings and more... developed, tested and taught "live" by Dr. Girard over a span of more than thirty-fve years.

These helped many thousands of participants, at corporate and Institutes of higher learning levels, achieve exceptional degrees of personal, social, health, wellness and career successess.

A list of available topics of daily needs, use, pragmatic applications and more will be forthcoming.
Look for it and feel free to take full advantage of this rare opportunity while it is FREE of charge.

A New Start


"All men by nature desire to know"

"My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake"

"It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world" (Aristotle)

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he
who does not ask remains a fool forever."
( Chinese Proverb)

"All receive advice…Only the wise profit from it." (Syrus)

My dear friends, WELCOME !...

What I am about to share with you is indeed for your sake…
and, if bits and pieces of it "sound familiar" to you, great!..
for it is said that "there is truth in repetition"…
Isn’t it always reassuring to note that what, or some of what "gurus"
teach, you already believe or know? … Echoes of the past…J.G.
..MUCH more to come :o)---Questions?...Email:
or, better still: enter your post herein...